Page 68 - The EDIT | Q3 2017
P. 68

the same desk where I was seated. But other than Amazon, if I was not able to find what I was looking for at the price I was looking to pay, I had a variety of other websites I could turn to for better product selection and value.
The reality is that whilst eCommerce is growing exponentially in Southeast Asia, the region has not yet reached its full potential when it comes to shopper experience and ful llment.
When I arrived in Singapore in May this year, I needed to purchase some clippers for personal use, and was astonished by the delivery estimates on Lazada. I would have had to wait for up to a week to receive an item I would have received the next day in London. I was also surprised by the limited product selection. As I turned to Google to try and
find other retailers instead, I could not find many other options and the ones I found had longer lead times and a much more limited selection.
The reality is that whilst eCommerce is growing exponentially in Southeast Asia, the region has not yet reached its full potential when it comes to shopper experience and fulfillment.
eCommerce in South East Asia
Retail eCommerce Sales in Asia-Paci c, 2016-2021
trillions, % change and % of total retail sales
Note: includes products or services ordered using the internet via any device, regardless of the method of payment or fulfillment; excludes travel and event tickets. Source: eMarketer, June 2017
THE EDIT ISSUE 7 | Q3 2017

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