Page 1 - Office of Information technology Technology-Enabled Services Catalogue
P. 1

This electronic book contains draft
                                                                    descriptions and supplemental information

                                                                    about services enhanced or made possible,
                                                                    by technology implemented by the Office
                                                                    of Information Technology.  The book
                                                                    serves as an aide to assist customers
                                                                    seeking information about  existing
                                                                    automation solutions or information that
                                                                    may be useful in creating new leading
                                                                    technology solutions.

                                                                    Office of Information Technology
                                                                  Technology-Enabled Services Catalogue

                                                                                 New Services
                                                                                 July 23, 2018

                                                                             Operations Bureau
                                                                   Ramon Perez-Goizueta, Chief Operating

                                                                   Doris Holley
                                                                   Deputy Chief Information Officer

                                                                   Michon Hicks
                                                                   Business Technology Integration Liason
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