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Quarterly Newsletter Second Quarter 2017
Comments from the Chairman
Dismantling is NOT the same as Demolition
These are exciting times for the Trust as it continues to work on its plans in co
-operation with Conwy County Borough Council CCBC). We are far removed
from the unsavoury and confrontational position between us this time last
year. It is a pleasure to discuss the future of the Pier in a positive atmosphere.
Despite this, some continue to hold the view that we are colluding with CCBC.
This is not the case at all.
CCBC officers are assisting us and co-operating with us on our scheme and also on our bid for HLF funding. Fur-
thermore, they are discussing their methodology for dismantling the Pier with us. The dismantling is not perfect
but we have to face facts that ‘Storm Doris’ and the one that succeeded it damaged the seaward end of the Pier.
The remainder of the Pier had to be safeguarded from further destruction and it was necessary to move quickly
to achieve this.
Some elements of the Pier that have been damaged and each one of those that haven’t are being carefully
stored. In respect of those that have been damaged it will be necessary to obtain replacements of the same
type, texture, colour, size and appearance as the original and to restore them in the same place as the originals
when restoring the Pier. Those elements that are sound would have to be examined to establish their condition,
and if acceptable, cleaned and put back in their original locations on the restored Pier.
The Trust is in a very favourable position in having a team of experts advising it. Some without a doubt are re-
nowned throughout the world in their respective spheres of competence. They all are a huge asset to us.
We have commenced discussions with HLF and a very important meeting is being held on the 16 May between
CVPT, one of our experts and representatives of CCBC and HLF. I had discussions with HLF after I was elected
Chairman last year. Their purpose was to establish why our previous bid had been turned down. The Trust has
worked hard on each of the reasons given to me and I am pleased to inform everyone that each and everyone
one of them has been completed.
Now the hard work begins to succeed with our new bid to HLF and to obtain the necessary consents for listed
building consent and others under separate legislation as well as planning permission!