Page 3 - Pier Newsletter
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      Quarterly Newsletter                                                                    Second Quarter  2017

                                                                                   A New Era.
                                                             After many years of differences on both sides of the
                                                             fence, Conwy County Borough Council and the Colwyn
                                                             Victoria Pier Trust are now working together to disman-
                                                             tle, store and restore the pier back to a popular visitor
                                                             attraction for the town of Colwyn Bay.
                                                             We appreciate that some parts of the old pier cannot be
                                                             repaired and reused due to years of neglect,  but every
                                                             piece of the old pier that can be salvaged will be used in
                                                             the restoration of the new structure.
                                                             Our concept for the piers restoration is here to see.
                                                             This concept is not ‘Set in stone’ and will evolve over
                                                             time with our changing ideas and with suggestions and
                                                             ideas from the public.
                                                             This is your pier and will be an attraction that will in-
                                                             crease visitor numbers to your town. Your involvement
                                                             in the restoration is vital to it’s success.
                                                             It’s time to put the years of mistrust behind us now, and
                                                             as we look forward to a future where we now have the
                                                             support and backing of the council when applying for all
                                                             necessary funding needed to complete this project, the
                                                             future for Colwyn Bay and the regeneration of the town
                                                             is looking brighter and more positive than it has been
                                                             for many years.
                                                                    We appreciate your continued support!

                                                Social Media Comments

     There has been a lot of negative comments on Facebook and other social media sites recently following the pub-
     lication of the stanchions being removed. The census of opinion on social media is that now that the stanchions
     are removed they will not be replaced and the pier will never be restored .
     This is far from the truth. The design of the pier was such that the cross sections between the stanchions and the
     physical weight of the piers structure on top of the stanchions were needed to maintain is strength and stability.

     Over the years the cross sections have disappeared making the structure weak and vulnerable to the elements
     such as storm Doris.  This resulted in the dismantling process being brought forward to make the remaining
     structure safe to the public and prevent any further collapse from pulling down the remainder of the pier.
     Once the boardwalk was removed from on top of the stanchions, they would not of been able to support them-
     selves, so removal and storage for future restoration was the only option for preservation and safety reasons.
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