Page 4 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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48 Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report
Facilities and Devices The EBA facilities supplied by IBA Industrial
for application of Inc. have a capacity of 97.5 kW (1.5 MeV - 65
Nuclear Techniques mA) and 37.5 kW (1.5 MeV - 25 mA) respec-
tively (FIG 1). The installed activity of the
Gammacell is around 3.5x1010 kBq (965.53
Facilities installed in the Ci) - Dec – 2016 - (FIG 2) and for the Panoram-
Radiation Technology Center ic irradiator around 6,5x109 kBq (177,34 Ci) -
Dec-2016) (FIG 3). On the other hand, the Mul-
Radiation processing is one the most im- tipurpose Gamma Irradiator Facility (FIG 4)
portant activities developed by the Radia- was totally developed with Brazilian technol-
tion Technology Center –CTR. Currently, the ogy, category IV (IAEA - SSG8). This irradiator
CTR has two small-scale gamma ray irradia- can be operated on stationary and continu-
tors, a Gammacell and a Panoramic irradia- ous modes (product overlap sources) and the
tion system and the Multipurpose Gamma source design capacity of cobalt-60 is 37 PBq
Irradiation Facility, semi-industrial irradia- (1 MCi). The installed activity of this facility
tor based on cobalt-60. These facilities have is 12 PBq (321.89 kCi - Jul 2014). In the near
been providing services on radiation process- future, a new cobalt-60 irradiation source
ing, especially for sterilization of health care will be installed with 7.4 PBq (200 kCi). Al-
and disposable medical products as well as most all disposable supplies used by the Ra-
support to research studies on modification diopharmacy Center (CR) of IPEN to produce
of physical, chemical and biological proper- technetium-99m generators and other med-
ties of several materials to the local scientif- ical radioisotopes are continuously sterilized
ic and industrial communities. by the Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Fa-
cility. Many biomedical research laboratories
Remarkable applications are related to food and centers, especially those working with
processing, cultural
heritage preservation,
human tissues steril-
ization, environmental
applications, gemstone
color enhancement, hy-
drogels polymeriza-
tion, etc. Additionally,
the CTR has two indus-
trial electron beam ac- Figure 1. Electron Beam Accelerator Facilities
celerators (EBA) of
1,5MeV. Applications
such as the treatment
of wire, electric cable,
heat-shrinkable tubing
and film and tires are
routinely carried out
using the EBA facilities.
Figure 4. Multipurpose Gamma Irradiation Facility
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares