Page 6 - 03. Application of Ionizing Radiations - Progress Report IPEN 2014-2016
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50 Application of Ionizing Radiations | Progress Report
development have been conducted, includ- ment of effluent from petroleum production,
ing printed circuit boards construction, me- for petroleum desulfurization, and, in addi-
chanical solutions, CLP automation, tion, for degradation of toxic organic com-
pounds in wastewater for reuse. This project
software for the automation and process pa- is supported by the IAEA (TC Project BRA1035
rameters. In this work, the services of the in- - 2016-2018) and by the Brazilian Financial of
dustrial dosimetry laboratory, at IPEN-CNEN- Studies and Projects (FINEP). To enlarge the
SP Radiation Technology Center (CTR), were national capacity to treat industrial effluents
used. The main results are the development using electron beam accelerators, the mobile
of an automated control system, signal con- unit treating effluents on site from 1m3/h up
verting boards, electron beam intensity and to 1,000m3/day, will provide an effective facil-
sweep system, safety system, overall control ity between a laboratory-scale plant to a large-
system and a device scale plant, with the objective to demonstrate
the efficacy and to transfer the technology.
to simulate the electrical signals of the ac- Studies have taken place in various produc-
celerator, allowing the whole system to be tive sectors in the country and in other for-
tested. This work will permit a considerable eign laboratories to prove that the radiation
amount of money to be saved, since the mar- treatment offers technological and econom-
ket price of this system can reach as much as ic benefits over the conventional techniques
US$ 400,000.00. for treating recalcitrant pollutants.
Development of a mobile unit with an
electron beam accelerator
Nowadays, the Radiation Technology Centre
is involved in establishing a mobile unit with
an electron beam accelerator to treat indus-
trial effluents for reuse purposes (FIG. 5). The
mobile unit will be equipped with an electron
beam accelerator (0.7MeV and 20kW) with
safety requirements (BSS, IAEA and CNEN
Safety Standards), and can be used for treat-
Figure 5.
unit using
electron beam
accelerator for
at IPEN.
Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares