Page 113 - Ptahhotep
P. 113

  khpr in ka d wn ewy.f sr e.f
􏰵􏰴􏰶􏰷 􏰸􏰨􏰱􏰩 􏰴􏰹 􏰴􏰩 􏰺􏰭􏰩 􏰴􏰹 􏰻􏰼 􏰩􏰻􏰼􏰺 􏰽􏰷 􏰩 􏰺􏰾􏰹􏰭 􏰽􏰹 􏰨􏰿􏰺􏰏
  􏰀􏰁􏰂􏰀 􏰄􏰅 􏰀􏰁􏰆􏰇 􏰈􏰉􏰊􏰄 􏰅􏰋􏰌􏰁􏰄 􏰍􏰎􏰇􏰁􏰀
 􏱀􏰋􏰨􏰩􏰋􏰋 􏰻􏰼 􏰽􏰋􏰩 􏰨􏰺 􏰴􏰋􏰩 􏰽􏰺 􏰭􏱁􏱂􏱁 􏰻􏱁 􏰾􏱁􏰴􏰏
 So it is the ka that makes his hands give a particular noble.
Ni ka wutuadisanga moko mandi mu vana kwa konso dingizi.
􏰏􏰐􏰑􏰑􏰒 􏰓􏰔 􏰕􏰖􏰗 􏰘􏰖􏰙􏰚􏰛􏰜 􏰘􏰖􏰖􏰘􏰐􏰑 􏰝􏰔􏰓􏰓􏰞􏰐􏰑􏰟
kaa mooy tax loxo di joxe joxiin wu rafet.
􏰠 􏰡􏰢 􏰣􏰤􏰥 􏰦􏰧 􏰨􏰩 􏰪􏰫 􏰬 􏰭􏰮 􏰨􏰯 􏰰􏰡􏰰􏰥 􏰱􏰤􏰲 􏰳􏰮􏰴 􏰰􏰪􏰰􏰥lá kan pàtó.
 Aussi, est-ce le ka fait que ses mains donnent à un noble donné.
 Wato kenan Allah yake sa hannun mutum ya ba da kyautar girma.
  Kwa hiyo ni ka yake inayofanya mkono wake umpatie mheshimiwa fulani.
 É o ka que faz que suas mãos deem a um nobre em espe- cial.
    Kuyikho okwenza umuntu adle isinkwa ngomusa kanku- lunkulu.

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