Page 166 - Ptahhotep
P. 166

152 The Instructions of Ptahhotep
 iw mtwt ir.s shnty
􏱌􏰆􏰎􏰌􏰏􏰋􏰃􏰊􏰈 􏰊􏰊􏰏 􏰍􏰁 􏰐􏱍􏰊􏰁 􏰓􏰃 􏱎􏰧􏰏􏰌􏰔
􏰻􏰼􏰽􏰼 􏰾􏰿 􏱀􏱁􏰾􏱂􏰿􏱀􏱃 􏱄􏱅 􏰽􏱆􏱇􏱈􏱉􏱊􏰿 􏱁􏱂􏱇􏱉 􏱀􏱁􏱀􏱉􏱋􏱈􏱀􏱂􏱀􏱆
􏰀􏰁􏰂􏰃 􏰅􏰆􏰇􏰈 􏰅􏰉􏰇􏰊􏰁􏰋􏰃􏰇􏰇􏰁􏰇􏰌 􏰍􏰃 􏰋􏰉 􏰎􏰏 􏰇􏰏 􏰇􏰁 􏰐􏰑􏰑􏰒􏰑 􏰓􏰉􏰔
True, offspring can generate problems.
Il est vrai que les enfants peuvent créer des problèmes.
􏰀􏰏􏰍􏰍􏰏􏰋􏰈 􏰦􏰏 􏰇􏰏 􏰁􏰓􏰏 􏰧􏰏􏰁􏰨􏰏􏰒 􏰅􏰏 􏰊􏰏􏰐􏰋􏰏􏰩􏰆􏰩􏰁􏰔
Diakedika, bana balenda tukisa mvwalangani.
Kweli, watoto wanaweza kusababisha matatizo.
􏰔􏰕 􏰖􏰗􏰘􏰙􏰕􏰙􏰗􏰚 􏰛􏰜􏰝􏰞􏰟􏰠 􏰡􏰟􏰙􏰗􏰢 􏰣􏰗􏰘􏰕􏰘 􏰡􏰘􏰟􏰤􏰝􏰗􏰢􏰕􏰠􏰥
􏰪􏰟 􏰣􏰟􏰟􏰫􏰣􏰕􏰥 􏰬􏰜􏰭􏰭􏰗 􏰜􏰫􏰕 􏰢􏰤􏰕􏰕􏰮􏰜 􏰕􏰙􏰙􏰯􏰙􏰗 􏰰􏰕􏰱􏰗􏰗􏰝􏰗􏰥
Dëgg la xale yi mën nañu indi ay jafe-jafe.
􏰲􏰳􏰐􏰴􏰵􏰐􏰶􏰷􏰈 􏰶􏰊􏰶 􏰩􏰉 􏰊􏰸 􏰌􏰹􏰧􏰺􏰩􏰹 􏰌􏰺
             Iqiniso, ingane ingaletha izinkinga.

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