Page 6 - TPA Journal May - June 2018
P. 6

As we set out to find the roots of the Texas Way we learned of an
organization that is not only iconic and influential in Texas law
enforcement but referred to as the leading authority, an organization that
has been impacting Texas law enforcement since 1895. That organization

is the Texas Police Association.

We found that TPA has created a real value not only to law enforcement,
but to the businesses and citizens. Twenty years ago, the Texas Police
Association did something that literally made Texas law enforcement
bigger. The TPA has taken Texas values and a commitment to safer, more
economically viable communities and combined them with Texas officers
throughout the state. As one officer said its almost like we are working

for the same department, but we wear different uniforms, he went on to
say you just feel like you are a part of something bigger than yourself.

What makes TPA so influential is that it has taken officers from around the
state and created an interrelated organization that draws on the strengths
of all its members including, business leaders, and citizens.

We cant argue with the results. As one police chief told us TPA has
made my officers not just better police officers, but better citizens. We are
fortunate to have such an organization, especially given the size of Texas.

As the outgoing president I look forward to my continued involvement with the
association. I am excited about our plan for a sustainable TPA. I am proud of our
continued dedication to Texas and understand the historical significance the Texas Police
Association has made to our state. Our membership which includes officers, business
leaders, citizens, agencies, and students can be proud of where the association has been

and where we will be in twenty years. The TPA story is not complete. It will continue
to be written by and about those unique Texans who assembled together to transform
TPA from a law enforcement training organization, to an organization of united Texans,
for a safer Texas.

Sam Garrison

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