Page 17 - TPA Journal July August 2018
P. 17


June 6, 2018

WHEREAS, the Texas Police Association is concluding its 119th Annual Training
Conference in Denton, Texas; and

WHEREAS, it has been a very successful year with positive increases in many of the
Association affairs, programs and operations; and

WHEREAS, the successes of the Association have been in great part, a result of the effective
leadership of President Sam Garrison, the Vice Presidents and other Officers, Committee Chairs
and Members, Regional Directors, Past Presidents and the Executive Director;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Texas Police
Association, in convention and assembled in Denton, Texas on this 6th day of June, 2018,
unanimously go on record as commending President Sam Garrison, the Officers, Committee
Chairs and Members, Regional Directors.


June 6, 2018

WHEREAS, during the past year we have learned of the death of: Margaret Benson, Austin;
Kenneth R. Bertling, Liberty Hill; Vernon Cawthon, Lubbock; Joe Clark, Kingsland; Billy Crim,
Kilgore; Joseph A. Florio, San Antonio; Al G. Hill, Jr., Dallas; O. L. “Butch” Murden, Irving; Kennis
Miles, Arlington; Thomas Nipper, Belton; Monty Platt, Canyon; Willard N. Stanley, Comfort;
Adolph Thomas, Schulenberg; David Sherrard, Richardson; and George Weisheit, Lady Lake;

WHEREAS, we deeply regret the passing of these dedicated officers and loyal members of
our Association; and

WHEREAS, our Association and profession has suffered a great loss in the death of these
fine officers;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Texas Police
Association, in session, assembled at Denton, Texas on this the 6th day of June 2018, unanimously
go on record as expressing our great sorrow in the loss of these members of our Association and
hereby extend to each of the families our sincerest heartfelt sympathy.

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