Page 10 - Rain Arch (all styles)
P. 10



             Before You Get Started

                Tools needed for installation:
                        Tape measure (25 foot [8 m] or greater)   Safety glasses
                        Miscellaneous hand tools               Work gloves

                        Level                                  50 foot extension cord
                Manifolds Available:
                        RAIN-100             100-Hole Rain Arch Manifold

                        RAIN-200             200-Hole Rain Arch Manifold
                        RAIN-300             300-Hole Rain Arch Manifold
                Available Mounting Styles:

                        RAIN-MNT-UNI-S       Single Mount for UNIARCH
                        RAIN-MNT-UNI-D       Dual Mount for UNIARCH
                        RAIN-MNT-UNI-SQ      Triple Mount for Aluminum Arch
                        RAIN-MNT-UNI-CL      Triple Mount for Ceiling Mount

                    Note:  Uncrate and inspect shipment for damage, and to verify that all pieces are there. If there
                           is any damaged equipment, file a claim with the trucking company immediately. Receiving
                           party is responsible for filing claim with trucking company. Notify your local distributor
                           or Belanger, Inc. immediately If shipment is determined damaged or incomplete.

             Belanger, Inc.  1995
             This manual and the accompanying equipment are protected by United States and International copyright and patent laws.
             You may make one copy of this manual. Do not make additional copies of this manual or electronically transmit it in any form
             whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of Belanger, Inc.

              8            Belanger, Inc. * 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681         1MANUL650
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