Page 46 - Jet Pumping Station
P. 46

Systems without Shutoff Guns or Valves                         .SYSTEM PRESSURE INCREASE
           NOTE:  When  making  this  adjustment, you must be able to            When Going From
           observe the amount of fluid being bypassed.
           1.  Turn off the system.                                   10% Continuous Bypass to 100% Bypass
           2.  Turn the adjusting nut counterclockwise until there is         Mode I C22AD       PSI at 4 GPM    PSI at 10 GPM
           3.  no longer any pressure on the springs in the regulating valve.    Model C22AA    40      75
           4.  With an accurate pressure gauge installed in the system, start the     Model C22AB    50    100
               system and let it run for a few minutes to remove any air. The full      Model C22AC    100    200
               flow of the pump should be bypassing.                   Model C23AD    PSI at 10 GPM    PSI at 20 GPM
           5.  Be sure all nozzles are open.                         Model C23AA      25                50
           6.  When all air has been removed, begin turning the adjusting nut      Model C23AB    50    100
               clockwise until the desired bypass pressure is reached, or until no   Model C23AC    100    200
              fluid is being bypassed – whichever occurs first. Do not exceed       Model C24AD    PSI at 20 GPM    PSI at 40 GPM
              the maximum rated pressure of the pump or  the  regulating      Model C24AA    20         40
              valve!                                                 Model C24AB      50                100
           7.  If the system discharge pressure is less than desired, check the     Model C24AC    100    200
               pump  speed  and  delivery  and  the size of the nozzle or system
           8.  When both the bypass pressure and the flow have been set, turn   TROUBLESHOOTING
               the locknut clockwise to lock in the adjustment.  The  regulating   Excess Pressure Required to Bypass Fluid
               valve has a hole through the body near the inlet port, and a hole   Regulating valve pressure not properly adjusted
               through  the adjusting nut. When the pressure is set, tie a wire   Not enough fluid being continuously bypassed
               through these holes and seal it, to prevent readjustment.    Nozzles worn
           REPAIR                                                 Fluid Leaking from Hole in Top of Adjusting Nut
           The valve can generally be repaired in place, without removing it from   Worn seals
           the system.                                            System Losing Pressure
           When  disassembling,  note  the  number of spring disks and their   Nozzles worn.
           arrangement. They must be reinstalled in the same arrangement.    Pump RPM reduced
           The seal (9) and back-up  seal  (8) must be replaced together: don't   Regulating valve pressure not properly adjusted
           replace one without the other.                            Worn pump components
                    SPRING DISK SIZE AND ARRANGEMENT                 Regulating valve seat or ball worn
                                                                     System drawing in air
                                                                     Too much fluid being bypassed
                                                                  Pressure Spikes
                                                                     Minimum bypass of 10% not being maintained
                                                                     Nozzles worn
                                                                     Regulating valve pressure not properly adjusted

                VALVE            DISK SIZE        QUANTITY
                MODEL           OD x ID x Thickness    USED                        LIMITED WARRANTY
                 C22AD (3-10 gpm,    20 x 10.2 x 0.5 mm    20 (single stack)
                  50-200 psi)
                C22AA (3-10 gpm,    20 x 10.2 x 0.8 mm    18 (single stack)       Wanner Engineering, Inc.. extends to the original purchaser of
                  200-500 psi)                                            equipment manufactured by it and bearing its name, a limited one-
                C22AB (3-10 gpm,    20 x 10.2 x 1.2 mm    15 (single stack)         year warranty from the date of purchase against defects in material
                                                                         or workmanship, provided that the equipment is installed and oper-
                  500-1000 psi)
                 C22AC (3-10 gpm,    20 x 10.2 x 1.5 mm    13 (single stack)         ated in accordance with the recommendations and instructions of
                                                                         Wanner Engineering, Inc.. Wanner Engineering, Inc. will repair or
                  1000-1500 psi)                                          replace, at its option, defective parts without charge if such parts
                 C23AD (3-10 gpm,    28 x 12.2 x 0.7 mm    22 (single stack)         are returned with transportation charges prepaid to Wanner Engi-
                                                                         neering, Inc., 1204 Chestnut Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota
                  50-200 psi)
                C23AA (10-20 gpm,    28 x 12.2 x 1.0 mm    18 (single stack)    55403.
                  200-500 psi)                                              THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER:
                                                                          1. THE ELECTRIC MOTORS (IF ANY), WHICH ARE COVERED
                C23AB (10-20 gpm,    28 x 12.2 x 1.5 mm    16 (single stack)       BY THE SEPARATE WARRANTIES OF THE MANUFACTURERS
                  500-1000 psi)
                 C23AC (10-20 gpm,    28 x 12.2 x 1.5 mm    18 (double stack)         OF THESE COMPONENTS.
                                                                          2. NORMAL WEAR AND/OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY OR RE-
                  1000-1500 psi)                                          LATED TO ABRASION, CORROSION, ABUSE, NEGLIGENCE,
                C24AD (20-40 gpm,    35.5 x 18.3 x 0.9 mm    24 (single stack)         ACCIDENT, FAULTY INSTALLATION OR TAMPERING IN A
                                                                         MANNER WHICH IMPAIRS NORMAL OPERATION.
                  50-150 psi)                                             3. TRANSPORTATION COSTS.
                 C24AA (20-40 gpm,    35.5x 18.3 x 0.9 mm    32 (double stack)         THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE, AND IS IN LIEU OF
                  100-300 psi)
                                                                         ANY OTHER WARRANTIES (EXPRESS OR IMPLIED) INCLUD-
                C24AB (20-40 gpm,    35.5 x 18.3 x 2.0 mm    17 (single stack)       ING WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF
                  300-1000 psi)                                             FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND OF ANY NON-
                                                                         CONTRACTUAL LIABILITIES INCLUDING PRODUCT LIABILI-
                C24AC (20-40 gpm,    35.5 x 18.3 x 2.0 mm    20 (double stack)       TIES BASED ON NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. EVERY
                  1000-1500 psi)                                          FORM OF LIABILITY FOR DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR
                                                                          CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS IS EXPRESSLY EX-
                                                                          CLUDED AND DENIED.

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