Page 30 - Seaford GCSE Options 2025
P. 30
GCSE Drama
Do you enjoy acting and creating performances? Do you want to learn more
about how the work of professional companies and practitioners can push you to
create original and innovative pieces that encourage audiences to question the
world we live in today? Then GCSE Drama is the course for you! You will watch
live performances, explore a set text, perform scripted scenes and create theatre
from the position of the actor, director and designer. GCSE Drama gives you the
opportunity to work practically and collaboratively in a highly creative subject,
to develop a better understanding of performance and the role that it plays in
society. Drama will also instil in you skills that will benefit you for the rest of your
life. Among these are outstanding standards of oracy, the ability to collaborate,
compromise and communicate and develop original ideas with the ability to
think critically.
Course Outline:
2. Performing from a
3. Interpreting Theatre
Text (20% of the course,
(40% of the course,
This course consists of
practical examination)
written examination)
3 components as listed
• Study two extracts from
a published play
• Study and answer
questions on a set text
1. Devising Theatre
(40% of the course,
practical and written
• Perform or design
practical performance
work for a visiting
• Review of a piece of live
Examination Board:
• Create and perform a
piece of devised theatre
• Produce a portfolio of
supporting evidence
Head of Department:
Mr M Smith
“Drama lets you be creative,
makes you think and gets
you working productively
as part of a team. It’s hard
work, but fun as well.”
Alex Witcomb