Page 23 - v3-HeritageGardens-TA
P. 23

Greater Vancouver

             Orthodox Cemetery

         This community garden is symbolic of how the Orthodox are rooted in the past in the

         sense that trees are rooted in the ground - drawing sustenance, power, and theology
        from the past. The garden is also a reminder to the community that they are facing the

         future together as one family. The word "Cemetery" means "sleeping place" and so the
           GVOC is the place where the members of the community will sleep awaiting the
                            glorious resurrection that Christ will bestow.

         Burial in the Greater Vancouver Orthodox Cemetery has been designed to fulfill the
                          traditions and practices of the Orthodox Church
                                     Some aspects of this are:

                                 Natural Return of the Body to Creation
         This means that the cemetery does not have a requirement for a vault or a liner which surrounds the casket
           (though they can be optionally purchased), allowing the casket and contents to naturally decompose.
                          “For you are dust, And to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19

                                    Sacred Communal Burial Space

       This cemetery has been set aside specifically for the local Canonical Orthodox Parishes to have burial space for our
                    departed loved ones to rest. This means it is not an ethnically separated cemetery

                                 “For you are all one in Christ.” Galatians 3:28

                                     Tradition of Memorialization
        The cemetery allows for three styles of grave markers, Upright with a Cross, a Pillow Marker or a Flat Marker.
       Each of these markers is able to be enlarged to sit on two adjacent graves, allowing for memorialization of up to 4
        family members. This provides families various options for memorialization in accordance with their financial
                                       means, culture, and wishes.
                       “Jacob set up a stone monument over Rachel’s grave.” Genesis 35:20

                                        Heritage Gardens - Preparing for Tomorrow - Page 23
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