Page 25 - v3-HeritageGardens-TA
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Our Services

         As a cemetery, our services include the    Preparation & Placement - The labour,
         Right of Interment, the Preparation &      equipment and materials required
         Placement, and Memorialization for both    to  prepare  a  lot  to  receive  human  or
         Burial & Cremation.                        cremated  remains,  the  placing  of the

                                                    human or cremated remains, and the
         Right of Interment  - A contract that      closing of that lot back to the original

         provides for the right to inter Human or   condition.
         Cremated Remains in a designated lot.
         A Right of Interment may be purchased      Memorialization - We will work with
         in advance of need and includes the        you to design, provide, and install a lasting
         mandatory Care  Fund  contribution         tribute celebrating the life of a family or
         according to provincial legislation.       friends for generations to cherish.

                                                  Heritage Gardens - Our Services - Page 25
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