Page 15 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
P. 15

Survivor’s Benefit.  Funeral directors    If no pre-planning  has been  done,
          are here to help and advise you and       necessary  arrangements  need  to be
          will work  very  hard to  relieve the     made for the funeral service.  These
          stress and logistics involved in funeral   include:
                                                    • Scheduling the location, date and
          Meeting a Funeral Director                time of  the visitation and funeral
          You should meet with a funeral            service
          director within 24 hours of a death to    • Selecting burial or cremation
          begin to make final arrangements for      • Choosing Funeral Products
          your  loved one.  Deciding on  these      • Arranging a cemetery plot
          final  arrangements  may  seem  like  a   • Preparing an obituary notice
          very daunting  task, especially  when     • Scheduling transportation
          you are in heightened emotional state,    arrangements
          but, funeral home staff have years of
          experience dealing with these issues,     A funeral  director  will  guide  you
          and strive to ensure everything goes      through all the steps, using your wants,
          as smoothly as possible.                  needs and desires as a foundation to

                                                    create a memorable  funeral  for your
          Making Arrangements                       loved one. From here the funeral
          First  the Funeral Director will gather   services can be personalized.   Did
          information  required  for the death      your loved one have a favorite sports
          certificate.  This includes:              team?  What was their favorite type of

                                                    music?  What activity was your loved
          • Full Name and Address                   one known best for?  Recalling fond
          • Marital Status                          memories assists with the grieving
          • Date and City of Birth                  process and will help honor the life of
          •Father’s Name, Mother’s Name             your loved one.
          (including maiden name)
          • Name of Spouse (if married or
          • Occupation and Employer (if retired,
          occupation before retiring)
          • Social Insurance Number.

                                        Tranquility Burial & Cremation Services - Page 15
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