Page 17 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
P. 17

information contained on the plaque,      Columbarium:  Columbarium  walls
          however in most  cases the  plaques       are generally  reserved for  cremated
          are a standard design.                    remains.  While  cremated remains
                                                    can be kept at home by families or
          Mausoleum:  A  mausoleum is  an           scattered somewhere significant to the
          external    free-standing    building     deceased,  a columbarium  provides
          constructed as a monument enclosing       friends and family a place to come to
          the interment space or burial chamber     mourn and visit.  Columbarium walls
          of a deceased person  or people.  A       do not take up a lot of space and it is
          mausoleum may be considered a type        a cheaper alternative to a burial plot.
          of tomb or the tomb may be considered
          to be within the mausoleum. The most      Natural      cemeteries:      Natural
          famous mausoleum  is the Taj Mahal        cemeteries,  also  known  as eco-
          in India.                                 cemeteries or  green cemeteries is
                                                    a new style of cemetery set aside
                                                    for  natural burials.  They can be
                                                    performed at any type of cemetery,
                                                    they are usually done in a natural
                                                    woodland area.

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