Page 21 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
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At Tranquility, we also complete all the you contact us, you can rest assured
necessary paperwork for you, such that your wishes are being carried out
as official death certificates. On the with sensitivity and meticulous care.
other hand, should you wish to hold a
memorial service at the crematorium At Tranquility, our only goal is to help
chapel, a church or other location, you and your family during one of life’s
Tranquility can help you make those most painful experiences.
arrangements, too.
Honesty and fair pricing are the
We understand that in some cases, foundations of Tranquility’s approach
family members may be unable to come to serving you. We always offer you
to our office to make arrangements. an exact price, immediately. There are
That’s why we are pleased to come to never any “hidden” fees added later on.
you. At no additional charge, we will As well, we strive to give you the least
visit your home or office and discuss expensive option. Tranquility offers
your needs. the most reasonable pricing available
today, while never sacrificing quality,
With one phone call to Tranquility, compassion or professionalism.
everything is taken care of. There are
no additional calls or arrangements If you choose direct cremation,
for you to make. If you wish, we will Tranquility is the simple, affordable
pick up personal effects and take care alternative.
of similar details. Just ask. As soon as
Tranquility Burial & Cremation Services - Page 21