Page 23 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
P. 23
What can be done with the cremat- to the bag containing the cremated
ed remains? remains. Since it is illegal to perform
While laws vary from province to prov- more than one cremation at a time, it
ince, for the most part remains can be is next to impossible to receive the
buried in a cemetery lot or a cremation incorrect remains.
garden, interred in a columbarium,
kept at home or scattered. How long does the actual crema-
tion take?
How can I be sure I receive the cor- It all depends on the weight of the in-
rect remains? dividual. For an average sized adult,
All reputable cremation providers cremation can take two to three hours
have developed rigorous sets of op- at a normal operating temperature
erating policies and procedures in or- of between 1600 and 1900 degrees
der to maximize the level of service Fahrenheit.
and minimize the potential for hu-
man error. Crematoriums will place a Are all the cremated remains re-
stainless steel disc with the decedent turned?
which has an identification number on With the exception of minute and mi-
it. This disc is assigned to the dece- croscopic particles, which are impos-
dent when they come into the care of sible to remove from the cremation
the crematorium. The disc remains chamber and processing machine,
with the decedent throughout the en- all of the cremated remains are given
tire cremation process and is attached back to the family.
Tranquility Burial & Cremation Services - Page 23