Page 28 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
P. 28


          How do I write a eulogy?                  Gather information.  Talk with family
          Giving a meaningful,  moving eulo-        members, close friends and co-work-
          gy can be a nerve-wracking situation      ers to get important information on the
          for even the most accomplished pub-       deceased.  Some important informa-
          lic speaker, but it need not be. How      tion to include in the eulogy is the per-
          can  you summarize  somebody’s life       sons family and other close relation-
          in a few short minutes, while  being      ships, their education/career, hobbies
          both somber and funny at  the same        or special interests, places the person
          time? Writing and delivering a eulogy     lived or travelled too, and any special
          is a therapeutic tool to help deal with   accomplishments they had.
          your grief, and being chosen to give
          a eulogy is an honor and  should be       Organize your thoughts.  Jot  down
          treated that way. Here are some tips      your ideas by whatever  means  are
          for writing and delivering an eloquent    most comfortable and familiar to you.
          and memorable eulogy.                     Create an outline of your speech, and
                                                    fill  in  the  information  that you  gath-
                                                    ered about the person.

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