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Theta Chi at Adrian College | Fall 2012 | Zeta Beta Chapter | Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

Continuing a Tradition Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Terry Robinson ’66
By Skyler Lambert ’12
of Excellence he Rev. Dr. Terrance A. Robinson ’66

Tattended Adrian College during a time of
s you are all probably
Aaware, the honor of extreme racial tension. All of the fraternities
serving as Chair of the on campus enforced strict regulations on who
House Corporation was could and could not rush. Some chapters were
bestowed on me July 1, even threatened by the national ofce with
2012. Te process of the loss of their charter if they welcomed non-
transitioning from head Caucasian men.
of the Annual Campaign Teta Chi stood alone as the exception.
has stretched over the previous 13 months Tat’s why Terry pledged the frst semester of Terry being ordained with 2 daughters, grand-
and could not have been smoother. With his junior year and has never looked back. daughter, and wife-Barb.
the help of Doug Miller ’90 and the “Adrian only had fve fraternities in those
encouragement of past Chairs, I enter this days, but each one stood for something unique,” success. He grew up an only child to a pair of
role confdent that the level of commitment he said. “Teta Chi was the one I really wanted parents who never graduated high school; Terry
you’ve seen from the Board over the last to join because it was very broad-based. Tere never had to hear a diferent viewpoint from his
several years will continue. were no racial clauses (and) they respected own. Teta Chi changed that.
I would like to thank Doug for all of academics. It was just overall a bunch of good “What I learned in Teta Chi was that
his hard work and dedication over the past guys.” we could be of diferent minds,” he said. “We
four years. Tis organization was all but As an undergraduate, Terry majored in could be liberal in some aspects or we could
obsolete for a long time with very little biology, with minors in chemistry and political be conservative, but we could still talk to each
direct connection with our alumni or the science. He took his academics very seriously in other and make the fraternity work. It taught
active brothers. When he took the reins he hopes to attend a good medical school and fulfll me how to get along with people who didn’t
immediately went to work putting a strong his lifelong goal to become a physician. think like I did, and call them brother. Tat was
unit together and re-establishing an open Terry met his aspiration after receiving his more important than anything because I didn’t
line of communication to all members of medical degree from the University of Oklahoma have any brothers. It was really a life-changing
DECKER, continued on page 4 School of Medicine, but knows it’s his fraternal thing. It made me approach society in a more
experience that truly laid his foundation for SPOTLIGHT, continued on page 4

156 Anniversary
Convention Highlights

Undergrads win 4th straight
Alter; Miller Elected to Board

By Skyler Lambert ’12
heta Chi’s 156th Anniversary Convention,
Theld in Palm Springs, CA from July 4-7,
was another milestone in Zeta Beta’s prominent
Five active brothers, Garrett Beitelschies,
Andrew Miller, Cyle Rogotzke, Josh Luellen,
and Kyle Cordova, along with fve alumni
Rob Defenderfer ’88, Doug Miller ’90, Chris
Ludwig ’11, Scott Krystiniak ’12, and Brit
Rowe journeyed across the country to represent
the chapter.
Zeta Beta was proud to accept the Howard
CONVENTION, continued on page 4
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