Page 3 - 315 Connection Fall 2012
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News & Notes

From our President Collegiate Spotlight: Cyle Rogotzke ’13

or some brothers, Teta Chi serves
t has been another great year for Fas a social outlet. For others,
Ithe men of Zeta Beta. Coming of including undergraduate member Cyle
of our fourth Alter Award in a row Rogotzke ’13, the Fraternity meets
everything is in place for another its national declaration to “make men
fantastic year. It is strange how fast better men” daily.
three years have gone by at Adrian Cyle became a member of Zeta
for me and what have made my years Beta in Spring 2010 as part of the
here great are the men of this chapter. ’Saga of Seven’ pledge class. Looking
We have accomplished so much for the chapter; it is back at his time, it’s very clear what the
truly an amazing time for us. Tis is not the time however Fraternity has done for him.
that we are becoming complacent and just going on as we “I think it made me more of an
have been. Now is the time, more than ever, that we are accepting person,” he said. “Tere’s
reviewing everything we do and working to change and a lot of diversity in our small school
reevaluate all of our chapter operations. Tere is always a and with people in our brotherhood,
way to improve and we will fnd it. What we are is good a lot of diferent lifestyles. Being in
but what we are going to become is even better. Challenges a brotherhood, you have to accept
are what defne an organization and we have taken ours anybody for who they are. When I came
in stride. Brothers have continuously stepped up to work to college I was pretty judgmental; I’ve
for the beneft of our chapter. As Aristotle said “We are become a lot less judgmental since I Past National President Doug Allen (Beta
what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but joined Teta Chi, just from the people Delta/Georgia ’91) awarding winners medal
a habit.” I’ve met and how diferent they are from to Cyle for Freeman/Chase 5k at Convention.
Tis year, like all of them here, will pass very quickly me. But I still call them my brother.” Freeman/Chase 5K run while there
in our eyes and if we keep on as we have been it will be Cyle currently serves as the chapter and was present to help accept Zeta
another year of pride and excellence for Zeta Beta. If you secretary and previously held the Beta’s fourth consecutive Howard R.
ever fnd yourself in Adrian, come by. Te house is still position of librarian. He enjoys the Alter, Jr. Award for Chapter Excellence.
your home and we would be more than happy to show you weekly chapter meetings, along with Although it was a proud moment for
what we have been up to. the community service opportunities Cyle, his passion for Teta Chi started
the chapter provides. Outside of the when he frst joined.
Most Fraternal Regards, Fraternity, Cyle is a premier runner on “I really wanted to expand my
the Adrian College cross country and friends,” he said. “I wanted to meet
Garrett W. Beitelschies track teams and an outstanding scholar new people on campus, and I thought
with a biology major and chemistry Teta Chi was a great way to do that. I
minor. also liked the community service aspect
Football and Fraternity: His believes his experiences within and how they push you to be better. For
Homecoming 2012 the chapter will help him become more one, once I joined Teta Chi I didn’t
understanding of his future patients in skip a class because I didn’t want to say
ne of the best times to return to campus is his quest to become an optometrist. anything but ’zero brother.’ I feel like
OHomecoming and it is right around the corner. Cyle recently attended the 156th it’s a way to make yourself a better man
Tis year’s Homecoming will take place on September Anniversary Convention in Palm without even realizing it when you’re
28-29. Once again Teta Chi will be welcoming its Springs, CA with four other active just hanging out with a bunch of guys.”
alumni, friends and family back to 315 South Madison. brothers. He won the traditional Te fall semester is a big one for
If you haven’t been back to campus in a few years, both Cyle and the chapter: he’ll be
you won’t believe all the changes that continue to take starting his fnal year at AC and Zeta
place in the house and on the campus. Tere will be a Beta looks to add to its strength and
BBQ lunch at the chapter house from 12:00 – 3:00 PM respect on campus.
on Saturday, sponsored by the House Corporation. “We need to look at our chapter on
In addition, we will be tailgating in the parking lot campus,” he said. “We want to be the
QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC by the stadium of Charles Street between 3:00-5:00 dominant fraternity again. We need to
QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC PM. At 5:00 PM the Bulldogs take on Hope College be a little more prominent at Adrian.
I think we’re going to have a big class
at the Multisport Performance stadium on campus. Te
QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC undergraduates will also be hosting open houses on both this year, in both the fall and spring.
QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC Friday and Saturday nights so you can reconnect with Everyone is motivated. I’m expecting a
QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC old friends and make some new ones. Cyle Rogotzke, Josh Luellen, Garrett lot of great things…I think it’s going to
QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC QC Beitelschies, Scott Krystiniak at convention. be a great year for Zeta Beta.”
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