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A Publication of Beta Theta Pi at the University of Florida | Winter 2013/2014 | Gamma Xi Chapter

Alumni Relations Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 |

From the Alumni Spotlight:
Alumni Association
President Doug

ell it has Wilkinson
Wbeen an
fall here in ’91
Gainesville to
say the least.
While I have only
been through 25
years of Florida
Beta as we had far fewer visitors Beta in the Sky
Football, this has
defnitely been the worst one I have
had to endure. Besides the football
aspect, it has also been a big loss to
come to the house for game days
this fall. Fortunately, early signs by Fred Wallrapp ’79
show that our basketball team is Dennis Wilkinson with his F-4 Phantom, Udorn AFB, Thailand, 1972.
looking good and our Gators will oug Wilkinson ’91 still has the 1969 mom couldn’t believe it when the car broke down
soon be in the spotlight for the D Pontiac Lemans he drove while a student at in the middle of the Arizona desert and he called
right reason! UF parked in his garage. Other than being his car up an uncle who lived nearby.
The active chapter, already one in college, the car has a certain sentimental value After graduating from UF, Dennis joined
of the General Fraternity’s largest to him. During our recent conversation, Doug said the United States Air Force during the height
chapters, has made strides this that he wanted us to tell the story of his hero – his of the Vietnam War. Initially he served on
year to improve their overall father, Dennis. You see, Dennis, also a Gamma Xi refueling aircraft, but was transferred to a fghter
standing and are hoping to secure Beta, bought the car as a Valentine’s Day present squadron for his second tour of duty. The U.S.
our frst ever Knox award at next for Doug’s mom back in 1969, the year after Doug Air Force staged heavy air strikes against North
summer’s 175th annual convention was born. Prior to buying the Lemans the family Vietnam in response to their Spring Offensive
in Oxford. The Knox award is our had an old Dodge Dart that was always breaking in South Vietnam in 1972. On the frst day of
fraternity’s highest award which down. Doug’s mom was regularly amazed when Operation Linebacker II, Dennis was serving as
honors chapters for scholarship, the Dart broke down and Dennis found a family the weapons system offcer and navigator of the
community service, brotherhood, member in the area who could help them get back F-4E Phantom jet being fown by Captain Jeffrey
and many other qualities that help on the road. That was understandable in Florida,
distinguish Betas as gentlemen and where the Wilkinsons had a long history, but his Continued on Page 2
leaders. This year Beta Theta Pi
is celebrating its 175th anniversary
with a special celebration in BT?
Oxford with what should be the
single largest gathering of Betas
in our history. Those interested in
celebrating with the delegates from
the active chapter, please contact
us as we are trying to secure a large
group for Gamma Xi. Hopefully
you will get to witness the guys
bringing home our frst Knox.
Hopefully everyone has very
safe and Happy Holidays.
Yours in_kai_

Brad Fortune ’92
13th Tactical Fighter Squadron, the Panther Pack, at Udorn AFB, Thailand 1972. Dennis pictured second row from top, sixth from right.
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