Page 4 - Marching Along Fall 2013
P. 4
Chapter Spotlight:

Gilbert Murimwa

s our Chapter As VP this year, what needs profession where I can see something
AS p o t l i g h t , does the chapter have that new every day.
we would like to alumni should know about?
introduce you to How do you intend on using
Gilbert Murimwa. As the culture at the University your degree?
Born in Harare, continues to change and our chapter Upon graduation I’ll be starting
Zimbabwe in Africa, adapts, we just appreciate the medical school and currently
Gilbert now calls continued support from our alumni. plan on eventually specializing
Orlando home. A As we work closely with the school in Orthopedic Surgery/ Sports
member of the Senior administration to ensure the longevity Medicine, Hematology/Oncology, or
Class, Gilbert is and good standing of the chapter, Interventional Radiology.
earning his degree it helps to know we have a good
in Microbiology and Cell Science,
and intends to put his knowledge to
work in the Sports Medicine feld or
Oncology. Gilbert has served Gamma
Xi as External Philanthropy Chair,
Social Chair, and is our current Vice
President. A Blue Key member, he
stays busy with the Gator Growl and
working in a research lab. Read on to
fnd out more!

What do you enjoy most
about being a Gamma Xi?
Since joining Beta as a freshman
I’ve been proud of the brotherhood
and bond I share with all the members
of our active chapter. My pledge
dad was a senior my freshman year
so I got to hang out and respect a
lot of the older guys and am proud
of the fact that, from top to bottom
in our chapter, guys get along with
brothers in all of the different pledge Gilbert (center) and a few of his Beta Brothers attending the Young Leaders Conference at UF - a function
classes, not just their own. Even after where they serve as small group leaders to the high school students.
graduation as many of our younger
alumni come back for game days and relationship with our alumni advisers What is a typical visit back
various events, they come to spend and can speak with them at any home to Zimbabwe like?
time with the active brothers because time about how we can best change Every time I go back to Zimbabwe I
of the friendships they formed outside to maintain the level of excellence spend the majority of my trip visiting
of their pledge class that help them to we’ve achieved on campus while all of my aunts, uncles, grandparents,
always feel welcome at Gamma Xi. ensuring the long term survival of our and cousins. The majority of my family
chapter during a period of widespread still lives there so it’s always a nice
changes and scrutiny of all Greek opportunity to catch up with relatives
organizations on campus. I may not have seen in years or just get
What inspired you to pursue to talk to on the phone or over Skype.
medicine in school? We typically go for at least a month
My mother is a physical therapist and a half and just spend the time
traveling from town to town across the
and ever since I was in middle school country seeing as many relatives as
my parents have instilled a sense of we can. The last time I went the world
compassion and desire to help others in cup was going on in South Africa
me. I’ve lost several family members where my uncle lives and, as part of
to various medical conditions and our trip, I got to spend some time with
pursuing a career in medicine just him and experience all of the craziness
made sense. I’ve always been good at accompanying the World Cup.
math and science and I’ve thoroughly
enjoyed all my different volunteer and
shadowing experiences dating back BT?
several years. Medicine gives me the
Gilbert with his mother Catherine. best opportunity to be challenged
mentally while helping others in a
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