Page 5 - Marching Along Fall 2013
P. 5
NEWS &Notes

Our Other Mother

t is ironic that exposure to Greek life had
I Suzanne Lucas, or begun! She very much
Mommy Sue as the guys enjoyed the position and
call her, fnds herself living having a positive infuence
and working on a college on the brothers there. She
campus. As Gamma did that for three years
Xi’s new house director, until she graduated.
she loves the collegiate Since college Suzanne
environment. But when has lived in Houston,
she graduated from high Dallas and even moved
school she didn’t go off back to Kansas for a time.
to college right away like Most recently she was
many people that age living in Austin, TX. She
do. Originally hailing has three grandchildren.
from Towanda, Kansas, Her daughter gave her two
population 1000, she got grandchildren, a boy and
married and pursued a a girl, and lives with her Sue, with her is her son, Justin. He was a Beta at KU.
career in banking and a husband in Austin. Her days, surely the biggest test for all involved
family after high school. She had two children, son, who is married and has a daughter, lives in their organization. She enjoys guiding
frst a son, and three years later, a daughter. in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Wanting to live the brothers as they grow into the men they
While she wasn’t ready for college as a closer to her son, and still remembering how will become. Her position is essentially the
teenager, twenty years and one divorce later much she enjoyed her fraternity experience business manager for the corporation, but
she was. Suzanne enrolled as a freshman at at KU, she was pleasantly surprised when she she is also there to help those who need some
the University of Kansas the same year her found out that Gamma Xi was looking for a motherly advice when they are far from
daughter did and majored in communication House Mom. During our recent discussion I home. It is a delicate balance. Sometimes
studies. Her son was also at KU at the time asked her what has changed in the seventeen they are crying on her shoulder and other
and, interestingly enough, was a brother years since she was last a fraternity house times she has to lay down the law. “I love it”
at the Alpha Nu chapter of Beta Theta Pi director. “Not much,” was her reply. “Betas was her fnal summation – “I wouldn’t want
there. While at KU, Suzanne heard about have a reputation for being gentlemen and I to be anywhere else.” And the brothers of
an opening for the house director position at have found that to be true since I have been Gamma Xi are very happy that she is there
Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity. She applied here.” She started in the position of House for them as well.
and was selected for the job. Suzanne’s Director this fall and survived all of the game

Leave A LEgAcy

onsider a lasting gift that will support Beta Theta Pi long after you are
C gone. By including the house corporation in your estate plans you ensure
the long-term health and success of our fraternity. Here’s what you and/or your
advisor might need to know:
Most common ways to include the house corporation are through your will or life insurance.
Sample language: I leave the sum of ($xxxxxx.xx or xx% of my estate) to: Gamma Xi Chapter of Beta
Theta Pi Housing Corporation tax id # (Contact Brad Fortune for house corporations tax id number) c/o the
Beta Theta Pi PO Box 6277 / 5134 Bonham Road, Oxford, OH 45056.

**This information is not presented as legal or tax advice. Always consult your advisors for questions you may have. ***


We are saddened to have learned of the passing of the following Beta Brother.
Our sympathies to his family and friends.
David Krusing ’70

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