Page 3 - The Epsiloner - Spring 2018
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From the Epsilon Association President The State of the Sigma Phi
Greetings from the desk of the the traditions. The alumni continue to focus on donations to Sigma Phi and encourage you to The Sigma Phi Society has long represented the this will be changing any time soon. The state of an exceptionally active time for the brotherhood
Epsilon Association president. updates to the historic Sigma Phi place. This year, contribute to our building account at Cornell, pinnacle of student organizations on Cornell’s the brotherhood is strong, and the traditions and as well. In spring 2017 we hosted a fundraiser
As I write this, spring 2018 has we continued updates to the first floor with reno- which provides tax deductibility and Cornell class campus, and there is no reason to believe that values that the Sigma Phi believes in are as well. in which all the proceeds were donated to Teen
sprung in Ithaca and I hope you vations to the card room, library, and mailroom. and reunion credit. Call in your gift at 800-279- We have welcomed 17 Cancer America, and we plan on hosting a simi-
are having a very happy and Peter Flynn arranged for a special restoration 3099, give online at, new members as part lar event later in this spring semester as well.
productive year! We continue of the painted doors in the card room. Michael or mail checks payable to Cornell University of C’18, and the rest of We also had many fun experiences as a group.
to have a strong and success- Koby restored lamps from 75 years ago (see – Sigma Phi Acct 7872-07, Sigma Phi Society, the brotherhood believes We had a destination formal in Montreal, and
ful active brotherhood with top article below). We also completely renovated P.O. Box 876, Ithaca NY 14851-0876. The fiscal they are exemplary mem- an additional formal at the Natural History
GPAs, and a dynamic and diverse group across the basement social area, creating more space year ends June 30; what you give by then will bers of Cornell’s student Museum. We hosted former Army Chief of Staff
academics and athletics. There is an upcoming and installing new lighting and ventilation. We allow for more restoration work over the summer. body. We unfortunately General George Casey Jr. and plan on hosting
Oliphant lecture event and the brotherhood embark this summer on additional restorations Please reach out to me with any questions at must also say goodbye Wine and Spirits columnist Jason Wilson as part
maintains the tradition of nightly meals together to the woodwork in the card room and dining to our seniors who are of the Lawrence Tannenbaum Speaker Series.
and special dinners with suit and tie on Thursday room. Special thanks to Mr. MacGuffie, who has Yours in the bonds and BSL, graduating. There are 15 Overall, our experiences have been worthwhile
nights. cultivated relationships with local craftsmen. Robert L. Berstein, C’94 graduating seniors, split and engaging.
Stephen MacGuffie has been instrumental in We could not maintain this special structure between C’16 and C’15, As president, I would like to thank all of the active
providing guidance to the steward in maintaining without your support. We need your help with all of whom are beloved brothers who helped put The Epsiloner together,
by the brotherhood and all of the alumni who support the Society, and
are ready to become everyone who helps keep the house running as
active alumni. We wish a well oiled machine. We are grateful for Sigs
Entirety of C’17 before a Thursday night dinner. Top row, from left to right: them all the best in their everywhere, and we are blessed to be part of
Corey Nessim, William Pundyk, Cody Clarson, Gergory Jae Chung, Ryan life beyond Cornell and
Musto, Jordan Wolkon, and Peter Ernst; bottom row, from left to right: Harrison the Sigma Phi. such a great organization.
Lane, Jay Dingle, David Medieros, Ryan Jaeger, Peter Sanchez, Luke Gilman, William Martin Pundyk, C’17
Caden Pavlin, Harrison Bernstein; kneeling: Sam Frey and Rohan Watamull. The last year has been
Brothers enjoying a night in Montreal during
the 2017 destination formal. From left to right:
Thomas Windsor Soule, C’16, Jonah Abraham Holiday dinner 2017. From left to right: Tyler Patrick Barr, Brothers in Halloween costumes. From left to right:
Schiller, C’15, Alex Zalesne, C’15, and Eric C’16, Dylan Xavier Kelly, C’16, George Francis Finnerty, Dylan Kelly, C’16, Coletraine Goodman, C’16, and
Neil Thakor, C’15. C’16. Phillip Joseph Walsh, C’16.
Vintage Stiffel Lamps Discovered, Restored Senior Brothers’ Plans
At the last directors meeting, Steve MacGuffie, Jonah Abraham Schiller, C’15
C’92, and Michael Koby, C’93, found four tar- Analyst at Eastdil Secured, NYC
nished, beat-up, and non-working lamps in the Eric Neil Thakor, C’15
card room closet. When Michael took them to Analyst at Roivant Sciences, NYC
a store in his town that restores old lamps, the
owner’s eyes lit up. They were all original Stiffel Ian Michael Rawn, C’15
Lamp Company lamps, known throughout the Analyst at Credit Suisse, NYC
’40s and ’50s as the “Cadillac of lamps.” Brian Matthew Duffy, C’15
Analyst at Hodes Weill & Associates, NYC Picture of the brotherhood, 2016.
Now beautifully restored, the lamps are each
worth $3,000 to $5,000. They are stunning. Too Brian Henry Destefano, C’15
bad we don’t have a “before” photo—the lamps Analyst at Capital One, Washington, D.C. Updates and Upgrades Keep House one of the Best on Campus
were almost black!—but we’re delighted to share Matthew Ryan Gilbaugh, C’15
this photo of the finished product. Analyst at Barclays, NYC The Epsilon Chapter of the Sigma Phi Society stripping all the rotting wood and flooring and Epsilon alumni, who make these renovations pos-
It’s amazing to think that these lamps have been John Worden Dawley, C’16 is pursuing a program of aggressive renovation replacing it with layers of paint in our house col- sible. We are consistently reviewed as one of the
at 1 Forest Park Lane for 75-plus years . . . and Analyst at AlphaSights, NYC and revitalization of the house at 1 Forest Park ors. The project most recently completed was the best physical fraternity houses on campus. The
are now reconditioned to (we hope) last another Bryan Bradley Bowen Belmer, C’16 Lane. We have received a lot of positive feedback repainting and reflooring of the card room and active brotherhood welcomes the opportunity
75. The lamps, which were also given new Analyst at CIFC Asset Management, NYC regarding our current projects, and we hope to library. The foyer, sitting room, and dining room to engage further with alumni who visit Ithaca.
shades, were shipped back to Ithaca in April. keep this positive momentum with the improve- were also repainted and touched up as a part of I would like to welcome all alumni to stay in the
Thomas Windsor Soule, C’16 ments we have planned. The largest renovation ongoing minor improvements to the house. We Oliphant suite at the house whenever they find
If you have any information about the origin or Analyst at Audax Private Equity, Boston this year occurred over winter break and con- are also looking forward to the renovation of the themselves on the hill.
history of these lamps, please feel free to contact George Francis Finnerty, C’16 sisted of a complete renovation of the bar room bathrooms and windows in the future.
Michael ( or Analyst at Lazard, Boston in the basement. This project was comprised of BSL,
Steve ( We are deeply grateful for the generosity of the Sam Frederick Frey, C’17
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