Page 4 - The Epsiloner - Spring 2018
P. 4
“I’ve outlived all of my friends and business When his employer at the time, Blyth Inc.,
partners,” writes Bob Barrows, C’37. Bob moved its headquarters from Greenwich,
makes his home at 100 Somerby Dr., Apt. Connecticut, to Plymouth, Massachusetts,
3168, Alpharetta, GA 30009. His email Jeffrey Boak, C’71, relocated to Duxbury,
address is Massachusetts, on the south shore of Boston.
In 2016, Kay and Hamilton “Tony” With the birth of his grandson, Theo, in April
Holt, C’53, sold their home of 46 years in 2015, Jeffrey knew the move was fortuitous:
Mansfield, Connecticut, and moved to a retire- daughter Meredith and family live just 35
ment community. He adds, “We know the area miles away in Dorchester. He now serves as
well, having had a vacation cottage nearby for general counsel for Luminex Home Decor
nearly 50 years. Also, we are near our son, and Fragrance Company, Candle-lite
George.” Keep in touch by postal mail at 30 Company, and PartyLite Inc. Get in touch
Alice Peck Day Dr., Unit 414, Lebanon, NH at or 376 Bay Rd., Peter Flynn, C’66, Karen and Jules
03766, or email at Duxbury, MA 02332. Sieburgh, C’69, Jake Kramer, C’98,
The latest book from Brad Wheler, C’73, is Derek Burrows, C’00, and Ezra Cornell,
Mongolia and the Golden Eagle, an archaeo- C’69, gather at The Heights in Ithaca following
logical mystery thriller. Writes Brad, “If you enjoy the February 2018 directors meeting.
history, archaeology, high-tech cyber-spying,
and mystery, I believe you will love this book.” have kids now, so life is busy, but we’re hav- offers the following praise: ing a ton of fun!” Catch up with him by email
“This assiduously researched, fast-paced novel at or 3 Corrigan
brings archaeology and cyber espionage Close, Toronto, ON M4W 3V5.
to life against the backdrop of the wild and In early March, PLT Health Solutions announced
rugged landscape of Mongolia, the land of the appointment of Seth Flowerman,
Genghis Khan.” Brad reports that Amazon has C’05, as its president. At the same time,
both the print and Kindle ebook versions and the company announced the appointment
that autographed copies are available from of Devin Stagg, C’04, as chief operating
his website, The officer. According to its press release, “the new
book can be ordered from any bookstore in senior management structure of PLT is consis-
the U.S., U.K., and Canada. “The Cazenovia tent with the transition of the company from
College bookstore (next to Dave’s Diner) has a supplier of ingredients to a comprehensive
the book in stock,” he adds. Contact Brad solutions development and commercialization
at or P.O. Box 403, partner for consumer products companies in
Cazenovia, NY 13035. the supplements, food, and beverage mar-
Jeff Pagliaroli, C’89, reports, “My wife and kets.” Seth joined PLT in 2010. His appoint-
I moved away from New York in December ment is described in the press release as “an
2008, having quit our jobs to start a new life acknowledgement of his role in the dramatic
in Italy. We thoroughly enjoyed our eight years growth of the company in sales, quality of
near Pisa and started our family there: two strategic vision, and experience workforce.”
girls, Sofia (now 7) and Annika (now 5), who While Seth represents the third generation of
also enjoyed life near the sea. But we wanted Flowerman family leadership at PLT, “he brings
to be closer to family on the U.S. East Coast, experience and strengths uniquely focused on
so I eventually landed a new job. I’m now the company’s future.” For his part, Devin
a civilian working as a training and curricu- brings finance, entrepreneurial, and natural
lum specialist for the Marine Corps at Parris products experience to his new role. At PLT, he
James Blanco, C’94, Stephen Island, South Carolina.” Connect with Jeff at is recognized for strengthening the company’s
MacGuffie, C’92, Ziad Mugraby, Their new address is 20 internal and external business platforms. He
C’92, Alexander Ponomarenko, Colony Gardens Rd., Apt. 728, Beaufort, SC has also helped develop its growth strategies
C’91, Bobby Berstein, C’94, Melvyn 29907. while driving business performance and iden-
Koby, C’93, Marc Watkins, C’90, Jon tifying innovative business opportunities. Send
Rauchway, C’91, Alex Klein, C’92, After 10 years with Morgan Stanley, Matthew congrats to Seth at and to
and Hans Henkes, C’91, gathered Flynn, C’97, is now in the high net worth Devin at
in San Juan for their annual fishing trip, private client world as managing director, cli-
renewing Sig bonds and celebrating lifelong ent wealth management, for Gluskin Sheff &
friendships. Associates in Toronto. He writes, “Raili and I
The Epsiloner is published regularly by the Sigma Phi Society at Cornell University for its members and friends. Alumni news and pictures are always welcome. Please
mail all correspondence to Alumni Records Office, Sigma Phi Society, P.O. Box 876, Ithaca, Ny 14851-0876. You can also email it to