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Teta Chi at Adrian College | Spring 2014 | Zeta Beta Chapter | Alumni Relations Ofce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987
Decker Dispatch Alumni Spotlight: Jim Mahony ’00

ecently I’ve been I’ve
R been working with some ow does an English major become
Zeta Beta alumni on putting Hthe Vice President of Development
together a list of brothers who for Adrian College? For Jim Mahony
lived on the third foor of the ’00, the love for his alma mater made the
house at one point during process an easy one.
their time as undergrads. The
purpose of this project isn’t Jim came to Adrian in the fall of 1996
what I want to talk about, and was quickly persuaded to join Theta
though; the correspondence Chi, along with his buddy Matt Buck
really got me thinking. ’01. Being Greek at Adrian has become
Those involved with this project covered about four a Mahony family tradition as his brother-
in-law, Kraig Kourt ’01, and his brother,
generations of brothers. The list we put together ranges Mike Mahony ’11, were both Theta Chi’s.
from the late ’70s to the last brothers who were allowed In addition, Jim’s sister, Meghan ’02, and
to live there in 2004. And, in the process, a lot of wife, Lora ’02, were also Adrian Greeks.
names came up that I haven’t seen in a while. I started
wondering where some of those brothers are today and After having such a positive under-
how great it would be to see a lot of them at an alumni graduate experience, Jim decided to set
event. Lots of memories of not only those rooms but out on a pathway to work in student affairs.
about the brothers that lived there came fooding back. Upon graduation, he pursued his Master’s
When is the last time you looked up a brother you in Higher Education at Bowling Green
hadn’t talked to in a while? We all get busy with our State University, where, during a one-year
internship with the Offce of Development,
own lives, and it’s natural to fall out of touch with
people with whom you were once close. One of the he realized how much he loved connecting
with alumni. After completing his degree,
greatest parts of my position on the House Corporation
is that I get to stay in touch with a lot of brothers that Jim accepted a position with the Ohio
either were my close friends in school or have become State College of Dentistry and quickly Jim Mahony ’00 stands with his wife and children at
my close friends since I started serving on the Board. moved up in its Development Offce. Fort Myers Beach, Florida during a summer vacation
Though the experience was benefcial, the
There are two main reasons we put out these call from his alma mater was a strong one. in 2013. He has networked with dozens of Theta Chi
alumni from every decade.
newsletters: In 2006, Jim took a chance both
1) To keep you up-to-date with what’s going on at personally and professionally when he had
the house and with the undergraduates. an opportunity to become the Director of he joined. Jim played a signifcant role
2) To provide you with opportunities to reconnect Development for Adrian College. A new, in the Zeta Beta 40th anniversary and
specifcally creating the Donald ’52 and
with brothers and friends with whom you may highly motivational leader—President
have lost touch. Jeffrey Docking—had taken the reigns at Louise Kleinsmith Scholarship Fund.
He has also been a trustee of the House
As you read about a few of the upcoming alumni Adrian. His new way of doing business Corporation for many years.
and his vision both appealed to Jim. In
events that are being planned, I urge you to strongly 2013, Jim became a part of the President’s
consider attending them. And as you will see, there cabinet when he was promoted to Vice “In the back of my mind, I think of Eric
will be ample opportunities over the next several President of Development. Sullivan ’61 talking about adding to the
months. The second annual Founder’s Day Weekend woodpile,” Jim said. “It’s easy to say ‘no,’
As Jim chased his professional goals, but I feel like I need to give back to those
(Continued on Page 4) he never forgot about the organization Mahony (Continued on Page 4)

Plans Unveiled for the 50th Anniversary Weekend

ake sure to mark your calendars now opportunity this year, as our anniversary—
M for the weekend of October 23-26! October 24 — falls on a weekend. This will
We will be celebrating the 50 Anniversary allow us to tie our events to this historically For a
of Theta Chi Fraternity on Adrian College’s signifcant date. complete
campus during this weekend. The 50 Anniversary Committee has itinerary,
Please note this weekend will not be been putting ideas together for almost a
Homecoming at the College. Historically, year already. The cost for the weekend please see
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October 23-26 holding the fve-year events on will be $55/alumni or $100/couple. We are
now happy to start revealing some of the
Homecoming Weekend has served us well
in the past. However, we have a unique schedule so you can start to plan your trip.
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