Page 4 - Theta Chi Adrian Spring 2014
P. 4
Mahony (Continued from Page 1)
who gave me opportunities and then do for the future a new and exciting campus.”
brothers what was done for me, the opportunity to One of the perks of working for the College
network and provide support.” is connecting with Theta Chi’s from different
Not surprising, Jim’s favorite time of year is generations.
Homecoming. “It’s great to see old friends, but to have the
“It is exciting to see brothers, spouses, and families opportunity to talk with brothers from different
coming back for Homecoming, but I wish more of generations and hear their stories is always such a
them did it every year,” he said. “It is great when great experience” Jim said.
you have the opportunity to meet the current actives, Jim knows and understands the importance of
who are great guys, and have the opportunity to catch reinvestment in Adrian College and Theta Chi.
back up with old classmates. With everything always
changing on campus, every year like is like coming to “You truly do get back more than you give!” he said.
alumNi NEws (Continued from Page 1)
Decker Dispatch
will be held on April 12. Homecoming is October 4 and 5, and is
always a great time to get to know the undergrads. And if you haven’t
Jeff Haslow ’87 was awarded the already, please put October 23-26 in your calendar now for our 50
2013 CFO of the Year for his work Anniversary celebration.
with The Knowland Group. The CFO Again, I know life can get busy and the last thing any of us needs
Dimensions Awards for Excellence is more to do and plan for. But while you’re thinking about whether
are awarded to the company CFO or not to attend any of these events, I encourage you to reach out to
who has led his or her company to that brother you haven’t talked to in a while. (The House Corporation
the highest levels of performance in can readily provide any contact information you may need.) Instead
the arenas of risk management and/ of wondering what someone may be up to, make an effort to fnd out
or driving top line growth while and reconnect with them.
exhibiting exemplary personal and
professional traits. Congrats Jeff! Joseph L. Decker ’05
Brett Peters ’95 was
selected as the 2010 Adrian Chair, Zeta Beta House Corporation
College Alumni Award
recipient, becoming the
third Zeta Beta Chapter
brother to earn the honor.
Jeff and his wife Gina,
newlyweds as of February
18, 2013, purchased their
frst home this past summer
and moved in around the
holidays. Good luck Brett
and Gina!
We Want to Hear From You!
Have alumni news? We want to share it in the next
issue of The 315 Connection! Please send your news
and photos to our Account Manager, Kasey Breedlove at
Founders Day Weekend 2014 – April 11 - 13
Mark Your Calendars Homecoming Weekend 2014 – October 4 - 5
50 Anniversary Celebration – October 23 - 26
Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987
who gave me opportunities and then do for the future a new and exciting campus.”
brothers what was done for me, the opportunity to One of the perks of working for the College
network and provide support.” is connecting with Theta Chi’s from different
Not surprising, Jim’s favorite time of year is generations.
Homecoming. “It’s great to see old friends, but to have the
“It is exciting to see brothers, spouses, and families opportunity to talk with brothers from different
coming back for Homecoming, but I wish more of generations and hear their stories is always such a
them did it every year,” he said. “It is great when great experience” Jim said.
you have the opportunity to meet the current actives, Jim knows and understands the importance of
who are great guys, and have the opportunity to catch reinvestment in Adrian College and Theta Chi.
back up with old classmates. With everything always
changing on campus, every year like is like coming to “You truly do get back more than you give!” he said.
alumNi NEws (Continued from Page 1)
Decker Dispatch
will be held on April 12. Homecoming is October 4 and 5, and is
always a great time to get to know the undergrads. And if you haven’t
Jeff Haslow ’87 was awarded the already, please put October 23-26 in your calendar now for our 50
2013 CFO of the Year for his work Anniversary celebration.
with The Knowland Group. The CFO Again, I know life can get busy and the last thing any of us needs
Dimensions Awards for Excellence is more to do and plan for. But while you’re thinking about whether
are awarded to the company CFO or not to attend any of these events, I encourage you to reach out to
who has led his or her company to that brother you haven’t talked to in a while. (The House Corporation
the highest levels of performance in can readily provide any contact information you may need.) Instead
the arenas of risk management and/ of wondering what someone may be up to, make an effort to fnd out
or driving top line growth while and reconnect with them.
exhibiting exemplary personal and
professional traits. Congrats Jeff! Joseph L. Decker ’05
Brett Peters ’95 was
selected as the 2010 Adrian Chair, Zeta Beta House Corporation
College Alumni Award
recipient, becoming the
third Zeta Beta Chapter
brother to earn the honor.
Jeff and his wife Gina,
newlyweds as of February
18, 2013, purchased their
frst home this past summer
and moved in around the
holidays. Good luck Brett
and Gina!
We Want to Hear From You!
Have alumni news? We want to share it in the next
issue of The 315 Connection! Please send your news
and photos to our Account Manager, Kasey Breedlove at
Founders Day Weekend 2014 – April 11 - 13
Mark Your Calendars Homecoming Weekend 2014 – October 4 - 5
50 Anniversary Celebration – October 23 - 26
Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987