Page 3 - Theta Chi Adrian Spring 2014
P. 3
ChapTEr Derek Jackson ’14
NEws Collegiate Spotlight:
his year begins a new and important
Ttime for the Zeta Beta Chapter and for
Theta Chi. We have elected our frst-ever
Vice President of Health and Safety, John
Lang ’15, with the purpose of promoting
the health of the brothers, the chapter, and
the campus itself. We are very excited
to see the impact this position will have
on our chapter and the organization as a
whole. Derek Jackson ’14 carried his Theta Chi fag all the
way to the sacred grounds of Machu Picchu.
In addition to the new position, we
also initiated 13 new members into the
brotherhood during the fall semester. With
such great potential, we were thrilled to erek Jackson ’14 has seen a number “I joined Theta Chi based on [the premise of]
see these young men choose to become D of changes during his career at Adrian ‘what can I do for Theta Chi,’ but also, at the
a part of Zeta Beta. Their enthusiasm and College—within himself and his professional same time, ‘what can Theta Chi do for me,’”
hard work will no doubt continue our development, in his education, and even in the Derek said. “That relationship was equal in
momentum and success. fraternity. But the one constant that’s shone my mind. I knew I had a lot to offer, but I also
knew that Theta Chi had a lot to offer me, too.”
With regards to our actives, we through it all is his belief in Theta Chi.
increased our community service hours “When you’re a Theta Chi, you’re a Theta As senior, Derek knows his role has changed
from the required fve per person to 15 per Chi for life,” he said. “You carry that with you within the chapter. He now enjoys being a teacher
person each semester. Brothers welcomed for the duration of your life.” and resource for the younger Zeta Beta members.
the increase and met the requirement by Derek studied abroad in Peru during the Fall “I enjoy the education aspect,” Jackson
doing numerous philanthropy events 2012 semester where he volunteered at a local said. “I enjoy watching the new guys get
around the Adrian community, including school. Though he was hundreds of miles excited, taking that excitement, and using it
Adrian College’s annual Rake-And-Run, from his Zeta Beta brothers, Derek knew he for the betterment of the fraternity. But also
Adopt-A-Highway, and events at the stood as a representative of the fraternity. He relearning and rediscovering what it means to
HOPE Community Center. The increase even carried his Theta Chi fag with him to the be a Theta Chi. When you sit in bookwork and
in hours was mirrored by an increase in sacred grounds of Machu Picchu. there are different Marshal’s leading, it opens
the chapter’s GPA. With more time spent up your eyes to the diversity of the individuals
on philanthropy, it was impressive to see “When I got to Machu Picchu, my Theta you have in the fraternity and to new ideas
the increase in the brothers’ academics. Chi fag was the last thing I packed,” Jackson and the different passions people have…
This year being our 50 anniversary, it said. “It was the frst thing I took out of my Being a pledge father and going through the
bag because Theta Chi means that much to new member process is a really humbling
is exciting to see the great things that are me. That’s where I wanted to represent my experience.”
happening at Zeta Beta, and we would like fraternity, in one of the most coveted places in
to thank our alumni for all of the support Derek is a major in Spanish, with a minor
you have given us. We look forward to the world in one of the most sought-after places in English: Literature, and will complete
in the early 1900s…I just wanted to show or
seeing all of you at the 50 Anniversary his teacher
Celebration this fall. commemorate that respect while I was abroad.” education cert-
Fraternally, Derek rushed Theta Chi the frst semester graduation in
of his freshman year in Fall 2010. He had
preconceived notions about fraternities—he May. His goal
thought all were like “American Pie: Beta is to teach
House.” But something was different about Spanish at the
collegiate level.
Hayden Garlick, President Theta Chi: it had leadership opportunities, its Derek is in the
members participated in community service, second stage of
and it stressed the importance of scholarship. the interview
He joined and made an instant impact. process for
Derek was initiated at the top of his pledge a Fullbright
class and has since served the chapter as Scholarship. He
Secretary and Rush Chair. He is also the has applied to
current Vice President of Programming for the teach English in Derek with his most recent
pledge sons Jacob Politowicz ’17
Interfraternity Council. Andorra. (left) and James Wright ’17 (right).
NEws Collegiate Spotlight:
his year begins a new and important
Ttime for the Zeta Beta Chapter and for
Theta Chi. We have elected our frst-ever
Vice President of Health and Safety, John
Lang ’15, with the purpose of promoting
the health of the brothers, the chapter, and
the campus itself. We are very excited
to see the impact this position will have
on our chapter and the organization as a
whole. Derek Jackson ’14 carried his Theta Chi fag all the
way to the sacred grounds of Machu Picchu.
In addition to the new position, we
also initiated 13 new members into the
brotherhood during the fall semester. With
such great potential, we were thrilled to erek Jackson ’14 has seen a number “I joined Theta Chi based on [the premise of]
see these young men choose to become D of changes during his career at Adrian ‘what can I do for Theta Chi,’ but also, at the
a part of Zeta Beta. Their enthusiasm and College—within himself and his professional same time, ‘what can Theta Chi do for me,’”
hard work will no doubt continue our development, in his education, and even in the Derek said. “That relationship was equal in
momentum and success. fraternity. But the one constant that’s shone my mind. I knew I had a lot to offer, but I also
knew that Theta Chi had a lot to offer me, too.”
With regards to our actives, we through it all is his belief in Theta Chi.
increased our community service hours “When you’re a Theta Chi, you’re a Theta As senior, Derek knows his role has changed
from the required fve per person to 15 per Chi for life,” he said. “You carry that with you within the chapter. He now enjoys being a teacher
person each semester. Brothers welcomed for the duration of your life.” and resource for the younger Zeta Beta members.
the increase and met the requirement by Derek studied abroad in Peru during the Fall “I enjoy the education aspect,” Jackson
doing numerous philanthropy events 2012 semester where he volunteered at a local said. “I enjoy watching the new guys get
around the Adrian community, including school. Though he was hundreds of miles excited, taking that excitement, and using it
Adrian College’s annual Rake-And-Run, from his Zeta Beta brothers, Derek knew he for the betterment of the fraternity. But also
Adopt-A-Highway, and events at the stood as a representative of the fraternity. He relearning and rediscovering what it means to
HOPE Community Center. The increase even carried his Theta Chi fag with him to the be a Theta Chi. When you sit in bookwork and
in hours was mirrored by an increase in sacred grounds of Machu Picchu. there are different Marshal’s leading, it opens
the chapter’s GPA. With more time spent up your eyes to the diversity of the individuals
on philanthropy, it was impressive to see “When I got to Machu Picchu, my Theta you have in the fraternity and to new ideas
the increase in the brothers’ academics. Chi fag was the last thing I packed,” Jackson and the different passions people have…
This year being our 50 anniversary, it said. “It was the frst thing I took out of my Being a pledge father and going through the
bag because Theta Chi means that much to new member process is a really humbling
is exciting to see the great things that are me. That’s where I wanted to represent my experience.”
happening at Zeta Beta, and we would like fraternity, in one of the most coveted places in
to thank our alumni for all of the support Derek is a major in Spanish, with a minor
you have given us. We look forward to the world in one of the most sought-after places in English: Literature, and will complete
in the early 1900s…I just wanted to show or
seeing all of you at the 50 Anniversary his teacher
Celebration this fall. commemorate that respect while I was abroad.” education cert-
Fraternally, Derek rushed Theta Chi the frst semester graduation in
of his freshman year in Fall 2010. He had
preconceived notions about fraternities—he May. His goal
thought all were like “American Pie: Beta is to teach
House.” But something was different about Spanish at the
collegiate level.
Hayden Garlick, President Theta Chi: it had leadership opportunities, its Derek is in the
members participated in community service, second stage of
and it stressed the importance of scholarship. the interview
He joined and made an instant impact. process for
Derek was initiated at the top of his pledge a Fullbright
class and has since served the chapter as Scholarship. He
Secretary and Rush Chair. He is also the has applied to
current Vice President of Programming for the teach English in Derek with his most recent
pledge sons Jacob Politowicz ’17
Interfraternity Council. Andorra. (left) and James Wright ’17 (right).