Page 2 - Chi Phi - Fall 2017
P. 2
From the Chapter President
t is a very exciting that have helped us raise over $2,000 for other Greek organizations, and doing our
Itime for the Omega charity. We hosted our own Comedy Night part to foster leadership and contribute to
Chapter. We have seen on campus this past spring, hosted by our the Georgia Tech community in any way
very constant growth own very talented brother Will Farr, where possible.
and stability over the we raised over $1,000. We have also been The current chapter has been growing
past few years, and are doing a lot of work alongside the local in every way possible since I pledged in the
looking to build even Boys and Girls Club of America in Atlanta. Fall of 2013, and I truly believe we will be
more with a newly renovated house come A lot of brothers have been spending time able to maintain this growth in the upcom-
Fall 2017. Our active chapter has grown to ing years at Tech. All of the active brothers
over 60 active members, which is the larg- are beyond excited to have an upgraded
est it has been in a very long time. Even house and continue to strive to be the best
with a growing chapter size, we have not fraternity we can be and continue to be
lost sight of the fraternity’s values and have a legitimate force on campus. The active
continued to strive to be the best gentle- chapter has been involved in the fundrais-
men we can possibly be. ing process as well, with all of the executive
As a fraternity, we believe that we board making pledges. We are hopeful
have an academic responsibility to our- to have 100% of the active chapter make
selves, our families, and the organization pledges towards the campaign by this fall.
to maintain good academic standards. We I hope all alumni are as excited as I am to
work hard each semester to provide the see where the Omega Chapter can go with
best support network we can to challenge a new house. Please do not hesitate to
each other to succeed. We all know how reach out to me at any time with any ques-
hard Georgia Tech can be at times, but with the kids almost every week. This fall tions or concerns, and I cannot wait to see
we have seen an increase in GPA over the we have a few events already in the works, the results of the active chapter and alumni
past year putting us in the upper half of all including two with two of the sororities on working together and combining efforts to
fraternities on campus. We have dedicated campus. We hope to continue our success secure funds for the new house.
a lot of effort and new resources to ensure in philanthropy in the next few semesters Fraternally,
everyone needing help finds the help they and continue to raise money for charity.
need, and it seems to be working to our When not in the classroom, you can
advantage now. find the men of our chapter on the athletic
Community service and philanthropy fields and courts, competing in intramurals Patrick Burke
are another important part of our frater- or pick-up games. You’ll find us involved in Omega ’17
nity life. Over the past two semesters, we student government, supporting the pro- Alpha
have hosted several philanthropy events grams and activities of Georgia Tech and
Chapter Ben Nickel new member class. Each of us are walking
through the same college experience, but
Spotlight Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter nities. I joined Chi Phi because the broth-
each with unique challenges and opportu-
as Spotlight is Ben Nickel. Born in Pittsburgh, ers and new members I met gave me a
Pennsylvania, Ben and his family have lived in Pitts- home away from home.
burgh since he was four years old. Ben is currently in his
fourth year at Georgia Tech, majoring in industrial and systems 2. What has been your favorite experience as
an Omega brother?
engineering, and is scheduled to graduate December 2017. As an active Homecoming weekend my freshman
chapter member, he served as Zeta for a year and handled ritual, alumni year of school was my favorite time as a
relations, and social media. Ben is also heavily involved on campus, serving as Chi Phi. Between competing in home-
Chief of Staff for the Student Government Association, Tour Coordinator for the Georgia Tech Student coming events and attending the Georgia
Ambassadors, and Peer Coach with the Counseling Center, and has a wide range of other experiences on Tech vs. Pittsburgh football game, I real-
campus. Outside of class and campus involvement, Ben enjoys going to the gym, learning about history, ized I had made the right choice in frater-
and watching Netflix.
nity and in college. I was able to meet Chi
Phi alumni and the families of some of my
1. What made you decide to join Chi Phi at brothers at Chi Phi to be the most genuine new friends, and have a blast celebrating
Georgia Tech? and unique leaders on campus. I found a homecoming win. These memories form
As an out-of-state student knowing no myself truly wanting to be part of a broth- the basis of some of the greatest friend-
one as a freshman, Chi Phi was my home erhood that exudes those values. I also ships I have today.
away from home. During rush, I found the found an amazing group of friends in my (Continued on Next Page)