Page 3 - Chi Phi - Fall 2017
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In the house, the history of the Zebra to come. Supporting the campaign gives
Chapter Spotlight (Continued from Page 2) Lounge is amazing, and hearing the sto- me the confidence that Chi Phi will always
3. What do you enjoy most about the chap- ries surrounding it from those who have make an impact on men, on campus, and
ter house? come before me is unparalleled. in the community.
The location of the chapter house 4. Why do you feel that it is important to sup- 5. What do you plan to do after graduation?
is amazing! There is no other place on port the Building for Our Future campaign? I plan to seek full time employment
campus I can sit out on the front lawn and I feel honored to follow in the foot- when I graduate. My ideal job would be
have one of the greatest views of the city steps of some of the great leaders Chi Phi one that focuses on my passions such as
of Atlanta. I also love being next to the has built over generations. Chi Phi has government, education, and sales while
football stadium and the center of cam- done so much for me, and giving back leveraging my academic major and other
pus, which no other fraternity can beat. will support generations of future leaders work experiences.
Chi Phi Omega Chapter Capital Campaign Kickoff
The Omega Trust Association is hosting a Capital Campaign Kickoff Friday October 28 , the night before
the Homecoming game to unveil the new House renovation plans. Please join us for the presentation, beers,
and brotherhood. We’ve reserved the entire space and look forward to you joining us. Discounted tickets for
couples are also available. If you have any questions about the event or purchasing a ticket. Please contact
Evan Jones ’14 at or 484-894-6490.
Friday, October 28, 2016
Monday Night Brewing
670 Trabert Ave NW, Atlanta
Event Schedule Register here:
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm – Everyone Arrives/Hors d’oeuvres
8:15 pm - 8:45 pm – Capital Campaign Presentation Cost:
8:45 pm - 10:00 pm – Networking/Brewery Tours Alumni: $35; Couples: $60
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