Page 4 - The Alpha Gam - Winter 2017-18
P. 4

     Chapter News

     Chapter President’s Report             rock-solid brotherhood of successful, yet personable men.
                                               Even with these high standards (and without our own   Congratulations to Our Fall
                                            house, as “appealing” as it was), we are extremely proud to
                           Brothers,        have initiated 16 undergrads this semester who have already   Graduating Seniors!
                              First and fore-  proven themselves to be dedicated brothers and high achiev-
                                            ing men.
                           most, on behalf of   We have also been building stronger personal ties   Asahi Murata
                           the  undergrads,  I’d   than I have seen in any of my previous four years here. We   Biomedical Engineering
                           like to offer everyone   have taken full advantage of our lack of “party space” and   Roswell, GA
                           involved  with  the  expanded our network of close friends inside and outside
                           Century  Campaign  the chapter exponentially. It has made me extremely proud
                           our sincerest gratitude   as chapter president to see our brothers consistently drop-  Alex Lim
                           and  appreciation.  Our   ping everything to support one another. We exemplified this
                           strong alumni base has   unity especially through our philanthropy benefit concert,   Industrial Engineering
     always been one of the great benefits of being an undergrad   the second annual “Rock for Relief,” from which we ended   Suwanee, GA
     brother, and that rings true now more than ever. With that,   up donating over $2,500 to the hurricane relief efforts of the
     I’m sure you’re all curious about what’s going on with the   American Red Cross!
     young Delta Sig men living in 175 4th St NW (next door to   Overall, I am extremely honored to represent the under-  Zachary McGill
     165, the massive construction zone that is quickly becoming   graduate men of this chapter and have high hopes for this   Industrial Engineering
     our new house).                        year. If you, as an esteemed alumnus, have any suggestions,   Suwanee, GA
       As we approach what could be one of Alpha Gamma’s   questions, concerns, or funny stories you’d like me to hear,
     most impactful years in recent history, the brotherhood is   please shoot me an email anytime.
     beyond excited for the opportunities that come along with                                  Sean Santoro
     moving into the newest and nicest Greek house on Tech’s   YITBOS                        Mechanical Engineering
     campus.  With this intense campus visibility and growth
     coming soon, we are holding ourselves to higher standards                                   Suwanee, GA
     than ever to ensure that we maintain our reputation as a   Kyle Zeitler

      Chapter:    Adam Berger

                               Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is our
                               New Member Educator and Games Chair, Adam Berger.
                               From the hometown of Sandy Springs, GA, Adam is cur-
                               rently a senior (fourth year) expecting to graduate after fall
                               of 2018 with a bachelor’s in civil engineering. In the past,
                               he has served the chapter as special events chair, rush chair,
                               and recruitment director.  Adam is also actively involved
                               with the  American Society of Civil Engineers, the SGA
                               Sustainability Committee, and GOALSoccer. Adam’s work
                               experience already includes two rotations of a co-op with
                               Duke Energy as a transmission engineering co-op, working
                               with the substation engineering and siting, permitting, and
                               engagement groups. This spring, he will be interning with
                               Hodges  &  Hicks  General  Contractors  and  will  have  one
                               more rotation with Duke Energy in their work management
                               group in summer 2018. In his free time, Adam enjoys hiking,
                               camping, climbing, lifting weights, listening to music, going
                               to concerts, and spending time with his brothers.  Adam hiking along the Springer Mountain summit.

     What have you enjoyed most as a member   year, inspired to join by fellow Delta Sig Matt Nykolyn.   and hope that my time with Duke Energy and Hodges &
     of Alpha Gamma?                        I have worked with children before, but being a volunteer   Hicks will prepare me for that goal.
       The  obvious  answer  is  the  brothers.  The  Alpha   with GOALS has taught me increased patience and the   Outside of school, what do you do for fun?
     Gamma Chapter has made me who I am today through   ability to connect with children with learning disabilities.   I like being outside as much as possible. When not
     the support and guidance provided by older brothers, and   The community involved in GOALS and the Special   studying for classes, I go camping, hiking, and adventur-
     I enjoy being able to provide the same for younger mem-  Olympics is wonderfully supportive, and I am proud to   ing as much as possible. I’ve hiked several sections of the
     bers. Some of my favorite memories in college come just   be a part of it.    Appalachian Trail and hope to eventually thru-hike the
     from the lunches we shared as a brotherhood, complete   After graduation,  how  would  you  like  to  trail. I also love music and go to several concerts every
     with terrible puns, long arguments over whether a hotdog   apply your degree?  semester. My tastes vary, and I’ve gone to see a variety
     is a sandwich, and always while watching Family Feud.  I aspire to work in construction management after   of artists including the Eagles, Gregg Allman, Chance the
     What has your volunteer work with      graduation. I thoroughly enjoy working on site on proj-  Rapper, Wakka Flocka, Borgore, Flume, and more.
     GOALSoccer taught you?                 ects and seeing results from conception to completion. I
       I have been involved in GOALSoccer for the past   would like to eventually become a supervisor on projects,
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