Page 6 - The Alpha Gam - Winter 2017-18
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Alumni News

                            Homecoming 2017

      With the chapter house under construction, alumni gathered on the lawn outside the Instructional Center for the annual
   Homecoming tailgate. With an unexpected night game against the Wake Forest Demon Deacons, alumni and friends alike had a full
   day of reminiscence, fellowship, and merriment.

                                  Steamboat Buzz makes his way down Fowler Street during the
                                          Fixed Body portion of the Wreck Parade.

                                                                                      Showing off our second place Mini 500 trophy!

                                                                                               Find us on


                                                                                            Bond Eternal

    New members learning to work together to prepare
                 the tailgate site.                                                          We are saddened to learn of the
                                                                                            passing of the following brothers:

                                   Save the Date!                                           Homer G Hutchinson ’36
                                                                                             John L. Markwalter ’43
                          Alpha Gamma Open                                                    Edward L. Gates ’51

          (The Second Most Prestigious Golf Tournament in Georgia in April)                 Wilburn C. Currence ’58
                                                                                             James E. Randolph ’61
                                    Marietta City Club                                       Stephen C. Boothe ’65
                                 Saturday, April 28, 2018

                              Scramble format, mid-morning shotgun start

                     RSVP to Stan Hill by March 31 at

       William R. Griffin ’67 - Helping my wife, Louise
    Walters, work her way through a Ph.D. program in organi-  Have Alumni News?
    zational leadership. Proud to share that many of my students
    have gone on to graduate school and successful careers.  We want to hear from you! Send your personal updates, accomplishments,
                                              adventures, and photos to our Communications Coordinator Kasey Breedlove
              Visit us online at:              at, or simply fill out the tear-away form at the                       bottom of your cover letter and return it in the mail. We want to share it in the
                                                                 next issue of The Alpha Gam!

                  Alumni communication services provided by Elevate   |  |  770-903-3987  |          @elevateims
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