Page 1 - The Rho Extra - Spring 2016
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Spring 2016 | Phi Kappa Sigma, University of Illinois | Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

        A Message from the                                Alumni Spotlight:

>Alumni Advisory Board

    In a recent gathering of the                          Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the
                        Rho alumni advisory board,        Spotlight on Brother Jason Ebel ’94. Originally from Geneva, IL,
                        our discussion moved              Jason earned his B.S. in architecture and served the chapter as
                   towards “what the fraternity           Social Chair while an active at UI. After graduation, he gained
                   means to us alumni.” I shared          brewery experience in Denver, Colorado before accepting a
                   with them a discussion I had with      position at an architect firm in Chicago. He soon realized that
                   a fellow alum after last summer’s      he should follow his dream. He left the architecture firm, took
golf outing which I thought summed it up best.            a job as a brewery assistant, and started his brewing studies
  His comment went something like this: “I have           at the Siebel Institute of Technology, where he received his
friends that I grew up with that I enjoy hanging out      diploma in Brewing and Fermentation Sciences. Along
with. I have a wife and child that I love being with      with his brother Jim, a law school graduate, they started
and am truly grateful for the time I have with them.      a home-brew store, The Brewer’s Coop, in 1992. The retail
But when I spend time with the guys from the house,       store fueled their passion for brewing and their desire to
I laugh like I do with no one else. I don’t know what it  start their own brewery. Two Brothers Brewing Company
is, but I’ll be literally crying because I’m laughing so  was founded by Jim and Jason Ebel in late 1996 and has
much when we get together.” I couldn’t agree more.        grown into an award-winning brewery today. The company
I love the fact that when I’ve been at past alumni        has not only secured the World Beer Cup several times, but
gatherings I would see someone that I haven’t talked      it has brought home twelve medals at the Great American
to in 15+ years, yet we can have a conversation as if     Beer Festival throughout the years. Outside of work, he enjoys
we have been in constant contact since graduation.        spending time with his wife of 18 years, Letty, and their son Teegan
It’s a bond that’s hard to describe, yet everyone at the  (16), and daughter Kaia (13). Jason enjoys going out for local
table understood it and had similar feelings.             cuisine and stays active with golf, running, and hiking.
  Knowing that, we set forth the rest of the
evening with the goal to plan and promote                 What led you to join the chapter                            tied up in my day-to-day life. Thankfully,
alumni events. We’d like to take the events that          back in school?                                             there are a few brothers that reach out to me
have already seen moderate success and make                                                                           regularly or come to some of the events at my
them even better, plus are looking for new events           There were very few people from my high                   brewery. I always love it when that happens;
that may draw more interest. Event details are            school that went to U of I and I really didn’t              I think that I am lucky they still track me down.
included later in this newsletter, and will also be       know any of them very well. So, I figured                   It always feels great when we get together and
sent out via e-mail and Facebook.                         I would join a fraternity to meet some people. I            we can pick up right where we left off.
  There are “mini-Skull Reunions” happening               went to several houses, but the minute I got to
all the time. I know of guys that are regular golf        the Skull house and meet a few of the guys, I felt          How did your experience studying
foursomes; others vacation together; some meet            totally comfortable. They invited me back to the            abroad in Europe change your life?
each year for fantasy football drafts; others get         Skull BBQ and that really sealed the deal.
together for dinner and drinks. This is great and                                                                       I went on a study abroad program to France
we hope this continues. Our goal is that you’ll see       Do you have the opportunity to see                          my junior year in architecture school. That
a planned alumni event and your small group will          any of your pledge brothers today?                          was one of the most important events of my
come out for the fun. Worst case, you’ll have fun                                                                     life (besides marriage and kids of course).
with the guys you already keep in touch with. More          I tend to be a fairly busy person and get                 That year really shaped who I have become. It
likely, your group will meet up with other alumni                                                                     not only made me much more self-confident,
that you have not seen in years and have a great            Jason with his family during their vacation - party time  but it is also where I discovered beer with
time. We urge you to come on out and remember               on the beach in Puerto Rico, New Year’s Eve 2015/2016.    flavor and had that “Aha!” moment. I spent
what the fraternity meant to you in the past, and                                                                     most of the year traveling throughout Europe
learn again what it means to you now.                                                                                 and trying every beer I could get my hands on.

Looking forward to seeing you,                                                                                        After graduation, you took a job at a
                                                                                                                      brewery in Colorado – what type of
Mike DiMaggio ’92       ΦΚΣ                                                                                           work did you do?
                                                                                                                        I followed my then-girlfriend – now wife –
                                                                                                                      out to Colorado when I graduated and thought
                                                                                                                      I would be an environmentally friendly
                                                                                                                      architect. Unfortunately, that job didn’t really

                                                                                                                                         Ebel (Continued on Page 3)
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