Page 2 - The Rho Extra - Spring 2016
P. 2

Chapter News

         From the                                    can fully represent a fraternity ready
                                                     for the 21st century. We partnered with
Chapter President                                    the local Champaign police in order
                                                     to launch a new yearly philanthropy

It has been an exhilarating                          event called Dunk-A-Cop that made        Brothers teamed up with the University of Illinois Police Department to
   year for Rho Chapter.                             over $500 and put us on the local news.
   We’ve continued to build
                                                       We have also made great strides
                                                     to reenergize alumni involvement
on our past successes and with last year’s golf outing and participate in our Dunk-A-Cop philanthropy event and raised over $500 for the
forged ahead by persevering upcoming events for this year, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and the Special Olympics in under four hours.
against all of the obstacles that which include a meetup at Arlington Park in things stand today, we’ve never been in a better
have challenged us along the July and another golf outing in August. Rho position to have sustainable growth and I cannot
way. This year Rho chapter Chapter as a whole has come together in ways wait to see what the upcoming year has in store
oversaw an expansion of that seemed all but impossible a year ago.
6 great men that will eventually help lead                                                                 for us. With my time as President coming to a close,
                                                                               We have gone through I can say with absolute certainty that I have never
the chapter to new heights. We have also                                       a decent amount of been more proud to be a Phi Kap than I am today.

found a central housing location close to                                      internal restructuring, Watching my brothers grow into better people

campus that we are going to be able to use                                     but the end result has and helping to facilitate their personal growth has

as a base for future Rho Chapter events.                                       produced a much more been an experience that I could never forget.

Our GPA cumulatively is the highest                                            refined and cohesive                      ΦΚΣ

it has been in years with both spring and   Even brother Robert Post’s puppy,  organization that is        - Devin Rice
fall semesters surpassing 3.0. We have      Charlie, joined in on the fun.     capable of handling a
completely updated our bylaws so that they                                     plethora of situations. As

> Chapter Spotlight: Joseph W. Rock
Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is Joseph Rock
of Deerfield, IL. Joey earned his bachelor’s degree in computer                                            Outside of school, what do you like to do
science and is scheduled to graduate this May with a master’s degree.                                      for fun?
Currently serving the chapter as Academic Chair, and past Secretary
and Social Chair, Joey has been a strong leader and respected voice                                          In those moments when the eternal grind of my
in the fraternity. His knowledge and skills were noticed by Google and                                     master’s program is not so bad, I try to get some
he was offered a job with the company in New York after graduation.                                        physical activity in. I belong to an on-campus
To help prepare for his future, Joey has interned at Volition, Amazon,                                     Japanese Jujitsu group. It’s a lot of fun, but trust
and with Groupon as a programmer. On campus, he is a member of                                             me; after three years, they are still beating me
the Illini Jujitsu group. He also enjoys hitting the gym, playing the                                      up. In the meantime, I’ve been working on a
piano and drums, and designing his own video game.                                                         hobby video game project and exposing myself
                                                                                                           to all the local music I can get my ears on.
What do you enjoy most about being a                 Why are you interested in computer science?
member of the chapter?                                                                                     Any plans for after graduation?
                                                       Once you digitize something – you know,
   Between the time I joined as a sophomore          turn it into 1s and 0s – you can manipulate             It’s all coming to a close soon and I’m slated
and my last semester on campus, Rho Chapter          that information, make conclusions from it,           to enter the workforce come summertime. I’ll
has been a tight-knit group of friends. It’s         and pump it back a response to the real world.        be leaving my friends and family in Chicago for
fantastic that on any given night, if I need to      There are researchers using computer science          a new life in Manhattan, so the plan is to get a
relax from the coursework, there will be a few       to discover cancerous genes in our DNA,               lot of quality time with the loved ones. As well,
brothers who want to get together. It doesn’t        neutralize missiles in the sky, and yes, even         since I won’t be getting those nice, long student
matter who’s there; we mesh together well.           make Netflix experiences smoother.                    vacations, I’ll be doing a bit of traveling. I’ll be on
                                                                                                           the Birthright Israel trip during graduation time.
              Joey (center) getting lunch with some  Which internship do you feel has helped
                                                     you get the most experience?                                   Joey with his three brothers and a few of his
2 friends at Champaign’s Miga.                                                                                      cousins at a family reunion in sunny California.
                                                       This summer I got to work at Deep Silver
                                                     Volition, a video game developer based here
                                                     in Champaign, Illinois. I think a lot of people
                                                     hear that I worked for a game company and
                                                     somehow get the notion that I played games
                                                     all summer. On the contrary, it was proper,
                                                     full-time work. My team had me work through
                                                     robust system architectures and had me writing
                                                     code from the consoles powering the game to
                                                     the distributed networks that closed the loops.
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