Page 2 - Eighth Point Fall 2013
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Chapter News

Brothers, Chapter Spotlight: Michael Rudolph
Hopefully, my correspon-
dence fnds you well. As Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as our fall Spotlight is Gamma
you may know, this fall Chi’s own Athletic Director Michael Rudolf. From the hometown of
semester marks Gamma Gurnee, IL, Michael is in his sophomore year and plans to double major
Chi’s frst full semester
since our restarting efforts in Marketing and International Business. With fve years of German
last spring. Our summer language studies, Michael is researching locations to study abroad. On
escapades ranged from campus, he serves as the President of Teter Resident Hall, and represents
research on the laws of thermodynamics the students at assemblies. Read on to fnd out more!
to internships at Fortune 200 companies.
However, most importantly, we had two
brothers from our chapter attend Elevate at What do you enjoy most working as the I also meet with university staff on a regular
Marshall University. Elevate is an Alpha chapter Athletic Director? basis and vote on behalf of Teter at Residence
Sig leadership conference in which brothers I enjoy seeing the camaraderie between Hall Association General Assembly meetings.
from all over the United States come brothers when we come together on the Keeping up with all the activity can be a
together to better the man. After Elevate, handful, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.
the brothers who attended came back with feld. Sports are obviously fun and a great
a contagious enthusiasm to jumpstart Alpha opportunity to get some exercise. But, they’re How will you select the location for your
Sigs efforts at Indiana University. Our frst also a showcase of teamwork. When we work study abroad?
order of business was fall rush. together in a sport, we bond and strengthen I’m looking for a place that’s applicable to
It is with great pleasure that I have the our brotherhood. my potential future in international business
opportunity to let you know that our frst As President of Teter Quad residence hall on and is also fun to visit. Cost and duration
fall recruitment was a success. We have campus, what is your biggest challenge? also come into play. Currently I’m looking at
twelve potential brothers who have begun Bangalore, Beijing, and Oxford.
their pledgeship to enter our sacred walls. It’s not so much one major challenge as it is
When these twelve are initiated, we will a continuous fow of them. I’m charged with What key areas would you like to apply your
have a total of twenty-nine brothers setting recruiting, training, and managing about 50 intended double major to?
the standard of being Greek at Indiana Teter Quad Student Government members.
University. However, the process does not The beauty of a
stop with recruitment. Marketing degree is that
Currently, we are in our frst new it’s extremely fexible. I
member education process. With this, we could end up in brand
are fostering brotherhood development management, public
amongst new members with comprehensive relations, demographic
meetings twice a week, along with Pledge analysis, advertising
Father/Son meetings twice a week. At these or senior management,
meetings we are teaching potential brothers to name a few.
what it means to not just be Greek, but what International Business
it means to be an Alpha Sig. These meetings as a second major
include the storied history of Alpha Sigma makes my skill set all
Phi, team building exercises, and instilling the more marketable in
within them our values of Silence, Charity, a globalized economy.
Purity, Honor, and Patriotism. Although we
believe that recruitment and brotherhood
development are of the utmost importance
our efforts do not stop there.
There are multiple activities that we Greek 101 - the brothers with their fall 2013 pledge class.
have begun to participate in on campus.
These range from intramural sports, to A Glimpse Freshman Tommy Thompson average on campus for all of the
philanthropy and service events, to social was featured in an article about fraternities,” Thompson said,
events with other Greek organizations on at Rush Rush in the Indiana Daily Student “They also stressed that they’re
campus. However, this is only on 10/4/13. Below is an excerpt. not the stereotypical fraternity,
the beginning. Erik Bailey, not like the things you hear about,
President, attends weekly 2013 Tommy Thompson wasn’t like over-drinking, hazing, stuff
Interfraternity Council meetings expecting to rush a fraternity. He like that.”
and is the leading voice of said he wasn’t interested in Greek
unhoused fraternities on life until he met some brothers “The guys who are rushing as
Chapter President from Alpha Sigma Phi. well as the standing members
Erik Bailey campus. Walker Fiederlein, of the fraternity come to these
Philanthropy Director, has our Thompson, a freshman, met
frst major philanthropy event planned for Alpha Sig brothers Michael events,” he said. “I think it’s
really cool to get everyone
early December at the Indiana Memorial Rudolf and Jonathan Lenkey cohesive from the start and not
Union Bowling Alley. Ryan Vonderohe, during Welcome Week, he said. just have the pledges separate.
Service Director, has volunteered Alpha Sig “They told me that they’re I like that they have everybody
striving for the highest GPA already meeting and greeting.”
(Continued on Page 4)
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