Page 3 - Eighth Point Fall 2013
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Alumni News

L. Rhett Fagg ’67 has seven grandchildren, in Tampa, Florida where he is Logistics Chicago School of business.
one born just this August. He and his wife Manager for Bloomin’ Brands (Outback Nicholas R. Kappas ’06 is currently
Marilyn have been married for 44 years Steakhouse) International, Tony is engaged in law school and is receiving his MPA
now; pinned 1968 Alpha Sigma Phi. to be married and has two daughters from from IUPUI. Nick is working at Indiana
Gerald M. Arthur ’68 is in early a previous marriage. He can be found on Humanities, a nonproft, as a research
retirement and has been on disability since Facebook and LinkedIn. assistant. He has also been in training for
2006. He had back surgery and cataract William I. Paskoff ’84 is working in competitive track cycling. He is working on
surgery last year. His 1995 Mazda Miata is contract bartending for Indianapolis Colts, a case study on the health of the humanities
still running strong! Indiana Pacers, Klipsch Musc Center, throughout Indiana and the work will be the
Scott A. Liose ’76 will celebrate 40 years Banker’s Life Fieldhouse, and the Indiana example/standard on how to perform the
in the awards industry in 2014. He started Convention Center. He has a son who is a tasks necessary to accomplish the project
out part-time in 1974 and stayed connected junior at IU and another son that just started goals. The case study is the example for the
through college right up until now. at Purdue this fall. His youngest daughter entire nation, for all states.
will be a junior at Cathedral High School.
Tony Sloan ’80 Andrew P. Maitlen ’06 served in the
(pictured on Left) Patrick W. Costello ’02 just got back Army as an Electronic Warfare Offcer and
recently retired as a from Europe and is celebrating his second returned from Iraq in 2011. He was promoted
Lieutenant Colonel anniversary with his wife Melissa. While to CPT in the Army National Guard earlier
from the U.S. Air there, they met up with Jeremy Buchanan this year. With a new career at Booz Allen
Force including ’02 one night in Florence, who was Hamilton, he will begin house searching in
tours in Iraq and celebrating his frst anniversary with his wife Indy. He and his wife Janna celebrated their
Afghanistan. Since Renae. Patrick is looking forward to his 6th four-year anniversary in September. “It’s
graduating from IU year teaching 4th and 5th grad Special Ed! great to see the chapter doing so well and to
he has held positions John M. Thephasdin ’03 and his wife see outreach to the alumni. I’m pretty busy a
in both the public recently welcomed their frst child, Matthew lot of the time, but will gladly help out if I’m
and private sector in James, born on June 20, 2013. John is free. Keep up the awesome work and stay
addition to his military service. Residing applying for grad school at University of in touch.”

Golf Outing 2013 Results by Bill “Whoopee” Paskoff ’84

Golf Outing Winning team (from left): Mike DeWeese, John
Thepasdin, Scott Mills, and Curt Johnson

This year’s installment of the • 1st Place with a 58, 13 under • Closest to pin and Longest next year’s Golf Weekend.
Annual Gamma Chi Golf Outing par. Scott Mills ’82, Curt Drive went to Cam Carter ’84 Please save the date for Saturday,
is in the books with twenty-two “Skeets” Johnson ’84, Mike and Bill Paskoff ’84 closed July 19, 2014. I understand we
Alpha Sig brothers braving the DeWeese ’87 and John the door on Cam Carter’s can’t make everybody happy,
July heat and pop up storms. We Thepasdin ’03. dominance by winning the but I would like to increase
had more participants than last NEW Longest Putt contest. participation. Thanks to all who
year and hopefully everybody • 2nd Place went to Team I think all in all it was a good played and hopefully, in the
had a good time. I am sorry for Phoenix: Kurt Krauter ’84, weekend (if you played all 3 future, other brothers will play.
coming up a bit short in the food Jeremy Buchanan ’02, and events) of golf and brotherhood.
department and promise to have Bill Paskoff ’84 at 60, 11 Enough said, now I call on you
more for next year. Here are the under par. as brothers to sound off about
results Team Manigault:
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