Page 2 - TN Delta - Spring 2014 Newsletter
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ChAPter NewS From the Correspondent Chapter Spotlight: DAVID SANCHEz ennessee Delta’s Editor’s Note: From his hometown of Racine, WI, Tfrst full year after representing the chapter as Spotlight is Brother David re-chartering has been Sanchez. Currently a Senior, Ingram Scholar, and Head extremely eventful. Resident Advisor, our former Historian will be graduating We are creating soon with a degree in Political Science. As 2014 recipient frm traditions and of the Michael B. Keegan Traveling Fellowship, a one- building a strong year stipend for travel and independent study, David will travel to six continents in order to examine why some brotherhood as well countries embrace multiculturalism while others see it as as a strong presence a source of confict. Outside of class, David enjoys soccer on Vanderbilt’s campus. Following a and boxing. He also volunteers as an income tax assistant successful fall semester, we are entering and non-proft personal trainer. Read on to fnd out more! 2014 with big plans. Following the re-chartering, How has the chapter grown within these past Tennessee Delta has maintained a few years and what have you enjoyed most? positive image with the Offce of Tennessee Delta was being recolonized when I frst Greek Life. The chapter is currently joined, meaning the initial group was a hodgepodge one of three fnalists for Chapter of of college sophomores and juniors. None of us had the Year! We completed all Greek any real understanding of how a fraternity worked Life standards promptly and we are and we all had pre-existing loyalties to on-campus continuing to maintain a positive clubs and organizations. I have been amazed over image on campus through activities the last few years at how the chapter has grown in such as bi-monthly community both membership and the willingness of brothers to service events, participating in campus dedicate time and resources. With each new class, philanthropies, and holding regular Tennessee Delta continues to solidify its presence brotherhood events. on campus and reputation as one of Vanderbilt’s David (right) with brothers David Aronoff ’14 (left) and former Tennessee Delta is also working to most respected fraternities. Phi Psi President Sam Heyman ’14 (center). recruit quality new members. After founded at Vanderbilt that fosters community taking the largest pledge class on As an Ingram Scholar, how have your engagement in underserved Latin American campus in fall 2013, we just initiated volunteer opportunities benefted your neighborhoods, and created promotional videos that thirteen new brothers into the chapter leadership capacity? in February. They were initiated The Ingram Scholarship program has afforded me helped them connect with more volunteers. I also founded a social enterprise flm company, Leapfrog amongst Founder’s Day celebrations numerous opportunities to initiate service projects Films, and implemented a flm studies course at with numerous alumni in attendance, locally as well as internationally. During the summer Maplewood High School to teach low-income including special guest Gordon after my freshman year, I traveled throughout Letterman. The active brothers Central and South America flming the service work students about flm basics. I think volunteering makes life more meaningful and I am comfortable attended a banquet with alumni and of Manna Project International, an organization stepping up to lead when the opportunity presents heard Mr. Letterman speak. We then itself. I was honored to have represented Vanderbilt celebrated with a formal date night at the Hutton Hotel. With sights set on University at the 2012 International Leadership Conference held at West Point where the theme the fall, we are beginning to plan for was “Leading in an Interconnected World.” Every another large class. experience like that one is an opportunity to learn The chapter is looking forward to two special events as the semester and grow, so I’ve benefted greatly from staying draws to a close. We will be having involved and volunteering. their second annual crawfsh boil From Film Studies to Political Science, what during Vanderbilt’s Rites of Spring made you make such a drastic change in festival. Last year the event was your degree interest? extremely well attended and all of the I have had an interest in political science from my actives are excited to continue what high school days where I participated actively in we hope will be a lasting tradition. Finally, Tennessee Delta will be losing the largest senior class to date, as David representing Vanderbilt at the Taj Mahal in Agra, India. Sanchez (Continued on Page 4) many brothers who started with the colony graduate in May. All of the departing seniors have helped to build Announcements this fraternity and pave the way for a lasting Tennesse Delta. They will be missed, but the chapter looks forward Brother Tyler Bishop (pictured) was named the Editor-in-Chief of the Vanderbilt to their return as new alumni. student newspaper for this coming year. Congrats, Tyler! At the 2014 Greek Awards Ceremony, the chapter won the award for Most William Nichols Improved Chapter and was a top-three fnalist for the IFC Best Chapter award. Corresponding Secretary Congrats, guys!
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