Page 4 - TN Delta - Spring 2014 Newsletter
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hill California and climbed Mt. Whitney, the tallest sector work and serve the people in Congress. peak in the lower 48 states. It was a great week. We need the voice that argues for reform and (Continued from Page 1) Whenever I stand on a high peak, I feel the most accountability in federal spending and in the at home and I count the unbelievable blessings immense and growing regulatory burden placed that each of us has received by the opportunity on the families and businesses of our country. to be born in and work in this beautiful country. Our federal government is trying to do too much and in an insistent and occasionally very coercive How are you involved with the Boy Scouts? manner -- a “one size fts all” approach -- that is Scouting was an important of my childhood and not consistent with our over two-hundred-year it was a great bond I shared with my dad. It has tradition of personal choice and liberty. I believe been a real treat to be supportive of our local most policy solutions are best left to state and Boy Scout council for over twenty years and in local governments to consider and resolve as they recent years to share Scouting with my 14 year are closer to the people. son, Payne. Payne is a Life Scout and working hard toward earning his Eagle Award. Only two What is something that you know now percent of Scouts make it to the rank of Eagle. that you wish you knew before you ran? So, Payne, if you are reading pressure, You never have enough volunteers in every pal! He and his sister, Liza, 17, are terrifc young county handling signs and events and you can people and they make their mother, Martha, and never have enough friends and supporters who me proud every day. help organize the fundraising necessary in French with his son Payne backpacking in the Ozarks on a today’s media-driven world to be visible across Boy Scout trip. What is a typical day on the campaign social media and the traditional television, radio road like for you? and print. But I love the environment because I income securities. I am in a three-way primary campaign to earn the really enjoy start-up businesses and that is what We received overwhelming contributions of talent Republican nomination for the U.S. Congress in campaign is like every day -- a classic start-up! from accounting and law frms in both the U.S. central Arkansas (AR-2). The primary election and E.U. Retired bankers and lawyers applied to is right around the corner – May 20th. It is an For our alumni and young actives, what work for one year in each of the former eastern open seat and one of us will face the opposition advice will you share about embracing European capitals in the fnance ministries aiding candidate from the Democratic party in November. change in a career path? in developing the necessary legal frameworks for A typical day includes planning events with Throughout my career, I have embraced change a free economy. supporters around the seven counties in the and more than once selected the “road less Looking back on that work with the beneft district, phoning and writing supporters asking traveled”. At each turn I have never regretted a of twenty years of hindsight, I am proud of the for fnancial support and attending political and single twist and turn. I encourage young people free people and free markets at work across the civic events at lunch or in the evening. It is a full just starting out to select a place to live where continent. Out from underneath the yoke of and rewarding exercise everyday – especially they will be happy and motivated and then to central control and tyranny from ffty years of when you have a full-time day job! I am chief pursue a profession that brings them personal the Iron Curtain, these countries are growing and executive offcer of a community banking satisfaction. Never be afraid to chase a dream. thriving as a part of Europe and are solid allies of company, Delta Trust, that I started in 1999. the United States. Recently, we announced that we are merging Outside of work, what do you do for fun? later this year with a local, publicly traded banking company, Simmons First National. Our family loves the outdoors. We love to I expect it to be a good match. canoe America’s frst National River, the Buffalo River. I particularly enjoy camping and What are your top 3 (platform) issues? backpacking. This past summer a good friend I am seeking offce to be a voice for common and I backpacked along the last ffty miles of sense in our public policy arena. Too few business the John Muir Trail in the Sierra Nevada of people step away from our rewarding private took a trip to Bosnia-Herzegovina and hearing national identity while in others, community Sanchez (Continued from Page 1) about the atrocities of the Bosnian War from some members who are leading the rebuilding of the survivors made me realize how important effort such as women in Rwanda will be a key the rule of law is to our collective welfare. source of my research. I also plan to use video recording to the extent possible, to capture in What are some of the techniques you more detail the views and opinions shared plan to implement during your trip in during the interviews. order to examine “why some countries embrace multiculturalism while others Once you return home from your trip, see it as a source of confict?” what interests do you intend to pursue? The primary source of information I’ll gather I’d like to work with an organization or a think will be through interviews with government tank enterprise involved in social issues, whether offcials, community leaders, experts in domestic or international issues. There is a great academia, survivors, and organizations such deal I can learn from a hands-on job experience David riding a camel in the Sahara desert in Tunisia. as NGOs and nonprofts. I plan to do a great working on public policy directed at improving deal of research on my own to understand social inequalities. I do plan to attend law Model United Nations and Model OAS, leading the background in each country, but I think school and eventually follow a career in public up to becoming Student Government President. I the personal accounts from those who were service and run for public offce. Hopefully the decided to switch majors after my study abroad involved directly or indirectly will be a powerful understanding of international perspectives I’ll program at the Danish Institute in Copenhagen, statement one way or the other. In some gain from visiting foreign countries through the Denmark where my feld of study was focused on countries, I expect to fnd active involvement Keegan Traveling Fellowship will make me a Social Justice and Humanitarian Law. Our class of government organizations trying to forge a more capable leader. Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987 | @thelaurusgroup
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