Page 3 - Cal Delta Spotlight - Spring 2014
P. 3
Alumni News


Our Legacy

(From left to right) Brothers Brandon Kisch, Bruce Buettell ’82, and Bill Lieberg ’80
enjoying the Homecoming booth.

Initiation Party - Spring 1981

ince our last Cal Delta reached our $500,000 goal.
SSpotlight, the Securing If you are a Brother who has
Our Future campaign has seen yet to make a commitment,
a good number of Brothers we still need your support!
make the commitment to take Please consider joining the
part in ensuring that we will other dedicated Brothers who
always have a home on USC’s have already done so. We
campus! know you too are invested in
Long-term chapter fnancial the future of Cal Delta.
security is no easy feat, On a fnal note, we must
and we are thankful for the also express gratitude to our
Brothers, and parents, that Brothers who have served
have stepped forward to as campaign volunteers over (From left to right) Brothers Blain Skinner ’82, Lance Jensen ’82 and Mike Gundell
support this endeavor. As a the past year. They have been ’84, at the Homecoming booth in November. We had a terrifc turnout of over 80
alumni who visited the booth before our epic, upset win over Stanford that day.
House Corporation Board, we an integral part of campaign
work tirelessly to guarantee outreach and the giving of
the safety and security of the their time and talents deserves Andy Fong ’82 - I was able to Nice to hear that the house is
House for our undergraduate to be acknowledged. visit the house before last fall’s doing so well in all areas.
members. By supporting USC-UCLA game. Upon arrival
I was treated like royalty! I was Jeff Griffth ’91 - 2012 Sales
the Securing Our Future given a tour by one of the current Manager of the year at Baxter
campaign, you too have taken F?T
part in these efforts. Rush Chairman, Kevin Fohrer. BioScience. 2012 Philanthropic
The house looked great, and it Volunteer of the Year - San
That being said, with brought back many memories. Diego. Congrats Jeff!
$390,000 raised, we have not
Have Alumni We want to hear from you! Send your personal updates, accomplishments, adventures, and photos to our Account

News? Manager Kasey Breedlove at, or simply fll out the tear-away form at the bottom of
your cover letter and return it in the mail. We want to share it in the next issue of The Cal Delta Spotlight!

pecial thanks to Dan Niemann ’81 for active chapter tried to raise enough money
S helping us with the construction our to cover the construction bid they had from
new sand volleyball court completed in the a contractor. Then Dan got involved. He
house’s backyard at the beginning of the fall is a very successful developer who knows
semester. The court is beautiful and puts the construction and led a team of
Phi Delt House among only three fraternities actives that built the court
at USC that have a volleyball court. Sorority themselves for half of
girls love to come by and play, and it has the contractor’s bid.
been a nice rush tool as well. Dan made a There is no doubt that
huge contribution in constructing the court, the without Dan the
giving generously of his time and expertise. court wouldn’t be
The project had languished for years as the there today.
Phi Delta Theta Brothers maintaining up-keep of volley ball court.
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