Page 4 - Cal Delta Spotlight - Spring 2014
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McDonald (Continued from Page 1)

make your point, and then shut up. banking friends who seemed sad for me.
Worried I made a mistake. Hung in for years.
What do you enjoy doing for fun outside In the end it worked out. If you know in your
of work? gut that you want a different life from the
Food, travel, wine. Preferably combining all one you’re living... make the change early
three. In a word... Italy. because it might take a while.

How do you defne success?
Finding love, making your parents laugh,
maintaining as many old friendships as
Mike McDonald ’87 joined the MADtv cast during its fourth season possible, and avoiding debt and tattoos.
in 1998, and became the longest-tenured cast member until the
end of the thirteenth and penultimate season. He was also a What advice can you give our alumni
contributing writer and director.
and young actives about making a
creative group environments, and they drastic career change and following their
can be very frustrating - usually due to the dreams?
interference of the network or studio folks. I went to school for business. Got a degree.
Luckily, they pay. Got a job as a banker. Hated it. Realized I
wanted to work in comedy and switched.
How do you push through to be heard? Then had to work as a waiter and serve pasta Mike (standing) with Phi Delt Brothers back in school, at a house
rented with three Delta Gammas (pictured). Photo provided by
Make what you say count. Find your moment, to many former business schoolmates and Gary Paskwietz ’88 (right, red sweatshirt).

USC House (Continued from Page 1) Jameson (Continued from Page 2)

while pursuing his degree at USC. It’s a needs and knows who the quality people
remarkable story. are. He had a roofer at the house within
Another big step forward comes in three days to fx the leak, which is much
the person of Kevin Sweeney, our Phi faster than we could have lined up the
Delt brother from DePauw University in repair on our own.
Indiana, who is the new property manager The cost for this service will be the
of our chapter house. With over 10,000 same as we were previously paying Greek
square feet and 40 men living in, it’s a Bill (an online site where live ins could
huge job keeping up with rent payments, pay their rent) for far less value.
maintenance, repairs and move-out room If you have any questions or comments Will at a Phi Delt tailgate for the game against Utah State with
inspections, just for starters. It had about the house or its fnances, I’m always pledge brother Paul Samaha, and friend Sharada Rayan.
become clear to the House Corporation fred up to talk Phi Delt. Please contact
that professional property management me at or Why does real estate development appeal to
was a key to taking care of the house in 714-686-7186. you as a career choice?
the most organized manner, and Kevin’s After working in the landscape construction
frm has a stellar 20 year track record as a industry for fve years, I have witnessed how
property manager in Southern California. enhancing a property both physically and
As an example of the benefts we have Bruce Buettell ’82 aesthetically not only transforms the space, but
already seen, after a recent rain we had President also the entire culture that surrounds it. While the
a roof leak in a second-foor bathroom. USC Phi Delt House Corporation landscape industry has been incredibly rewarding,
House Corporation on its own would I see my next step to be real estate development,
have been scrambling trying to get this as it incorporates many of the same principles
fxed since we had no relationship with F?T of landscape construction, but on a much larger
a roofer. But Kevin’s company routinely scale. Knowing my enjoyment of working with a
deals with every type of vendor a property client to create or improve a space, I believe that
real estate development will offer me an exciting
and satisfying career.

Chapter Grand 2014 Blue Chip Dinner What are you looking forward to during your
trip to Australia?
After both learning and experiencing business
We are saddened to learn of the passing operations in the U.S., I am excited to see frsthand
of the following Cal Delta brothers. how it compares to commerce in Australia.
Thomas Wickstrom ’53 Specifcally, I will be interested to see how the
Australian government is involved in business, if
Gayle Post ’53 at all. In my opinion, it seems as though I never
hear much about Australia in the media, so I’m
Victor Matloff Friday evening, September 12, 2014 excited to see and experience a culture I do not
know that much about. An added bonus will be
Location: TBD seeing kangaroos and koalas up close!

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