Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2011
P. 2

McConnell, Continued from page 1

     three of my four grandparents.  I was familiar  important in the world of finance.  Investment  pitch  black  for  the  second  seven  hours,  the
     with the campus and it was ranked very high  banking  is  my  field  of  work  today.    I  was  waves were down to two footers and it was a
     in  the  disciplines  that  I  was  interested  in  with  a  few  different  firms  (always  focusing  welcome relief.
     pursuing.                              on  middle  market  companies)  for  20  years     At the end of it all, it is sinking in that
        Kappa Kappa surprised me. First, the guys  and  started  my  own  firm,  Halyard  Capital  swimming 30 miles is a big deal.  At the same
     were  great.    I  immediately  felt  comfortable  Advisors,  in  2006.    We  really  specialize  in  time, it comes at you in small bites, so it really
     and  felt  like  I  could  fit  in  and  make  close,  private placements of debt and equity as well  is just putting one hand in front of the other,
     long term friends.  There were 72 guys in the  as  mergers  and  acquisitions  advisory  work,  40,538 times.
     house, plus a number of active members living  still in the middle market.  Business is good.       I really got in to open water swimming
     elsewhere around campus.  I was proud to be     Numbers play a big role in my swimming  in 2004 or 2005.  I was kind of tired of pool
     part of that group.  Of course, there were the  too  –  I  count  the  strokes  during  my  long  swimming,  and  it  is  different  enough  that  it
     social elements (which were plenty fun) and  distance swims.                  was a real lift.  Susan and I were at a friend’s
     the crazy stuff that happened by just being at     What I discovered, though, was that the  house  a  couple  of  summers  ago,  and  he
     a really pivotal age and being around a lot of  counting helped keep my mind engaged, and  mentioned that he had always wanted to swim
     close friends.                                         also helps mark time and  the  English  Channel.    We  opened  another
        After 30 years, though,                             distance.    For  example,  bottle of wine, and by the time it was gone, we
     the story that still resonates                         I  know  that  it  is  about  were headed to England.  As it turns out, we
     the  most  was  the  focus                             1,200  strokes  to  a  mile  trained together for two years, and when this
     our  chapter  had  on  grades.                         and  about  1,750  strokes  August came along, I was able to get a swim
     Even as pledges, there was                             between  feedings  on  a  in and he was skunked by the weather – never
     an environment and culture                             30-minute  cycle.    The  even had a chance to start.
     that  grades  were  important                          strokes per mile can vary     In terms of the goals, though, one of my
     and that each of us needed                             with  conditions,  but  the  kids  really  hit  the  nail  on  the  head.    Flying
     to hold up our end.  Every                             cycle  time  on  the  1,750  home  from  London,  I  asked  my  son  Gordy,
     Sunday  through  Thursday   While  swimming  the  English  Channel  a   is  never  more  than  50  my 17 year old, what his takeaways were from
     evening  after  dinner,  our   swimmer  needs  to  take  in  1,000-1,200   strokes off.    the whole experience.  He said, “Dad, it’s not
                             calories  per  hour.  Doug  stopped  every  30
     tradition  was  that  the  minutes to drink a high carbohydrate liquid      Speaking   of  about the swim.  It’s about coming up with a
     pledges  (and  plenty  of  formulated especially for him.   numbers,  I  had  figured  ridiculous goal, figuring out what needs to be
     active  brothers,  too)  would                         if  conditions  were  really  done, putting the pieces in place, and knocking
     walk over to a mathematics building where we  good, I could complete the swim in 11.5 – 12  it down.  It really is taking something outside
     would study from 7:00 to 10:00.  There needed  hours; if they were really bad, I had my head  of  your  comfort  zone,  deciding  that  it  is
     to be a good excuse if you weren’t there.  I have  wrapped  around  15  –  16  hours.    Conditions  important to complete, and just doing it.  Now
     told that “our fraternity was highly focused on  (particularly  for  the  first  seven  hours)  were  I know I can do my Physics homework.  Every
     grades” story to people for all these years and  as bad as they get, so coming in at 14:18 was  night.  That’s what this is about.”
     they can’t believe it, particularly in light of the  in the strike zone.  I had also thought that it
     impression of fraternities that is out there.  would be a 40,000 stroke swim, and I ended
        Swimming was also a focus of mine.  I  up being right on – 40,538.
     became an honored leader on the swim team,     During  my  13  hour  swim,  it’s  funny,
     and  was  top  ranked  in  the  country.    I  had  there was never a need for a final push or extra
     grown up through age-group swimming as a  motivation.    It  never  occurred  to  me  that  I
     butterflyer, and after I got to college, my coach  wouldn’t finish, and it never occurred to me
     encouraged  me  to  explore  middle  distance  to climb onto the boat.  The dark was a real
     freestyle, and (despite my “late start” at it).   experience – I had never swum in water that
        I  discovered  that  I  could  be  very  was as inky black, and I had never seen a sky
     competitive  at  those  events  and  just  loved  as endlessly dark.  The far worse part of the
     them.  In addition to butterfly, I consistently  experience was the waves that we had during
     scored  points  for  the  team  in  the  200,  500,  the first seven hours of the swim, which were   The  McConnell  Family,  pictured  left  to  right:    Mack,
                                                                                   Doug, Susan, Bill, Gordy, and Ashley (in front). Doug
     1,000 and 1,650 yard freestyle events.    has  high  as  five  feet.   That  was  exhausting.    McConnell became the 48th person over age 50 to swim
   2     That same discipline and focus are very  As  the  sun  went  down  and  we  were  in  the   the English Channel on August 21, 2011.
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