Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2011
P. 4

Chapter News aNd Notes

                         Chapter House Improvements

            he Kappa Kappa Sigma Chi chapter house has undergone several  Sig knows that when the rest of
        Timportant and functional improvements over the past year, which  the campus walks past our house,
        has every brother that resides in the house even more excited to hold  they see a structure of beauty and
        their residence in such a place of brotherhood and comfort.  brotherhood.
           For the first time in many years, the chapter house is operating at     In  addition  to  the  exterior
        capacity, with 70 brothers inhabiting its walls.       paint,   the   chapter   house
           The most significant and unexpected improvements to our house  has  enjoyed  several  interior
        are the addition of two Sigma Chi brothers that did not attend the  improvements.    Our  kitchen
        University of Illinois their freshman year, but transferred to the school  tables and serving materials are
        for the superb academics.                              brand new, bringing the chapter
           Fortunately for us, the brothers, Mack McInerney (Theta Iota)  even  closer  as  we  eat  dinner  Pictured  from  Left  to  Right:  Patrick
        and Patrick Callan (Lambda Lambda), came to us in brotherhood  together every weekday.    Callan & Mack McInerney
        and we made sure that they gained a place in our chapter house and     Additionally,   we   have
        into the Kappa Kappa brotherhood.                      changed a television service to a more reliable one and have performed
           Physically, the house has seen some improvements that have well  several improvements to our fraternal library.
        displayed the pride that we take in the house.  In the summer, we had     All  of  us  brothers  individually  strive  to  improve  our  chapter
        the entire exterior of the house re-painted.           daily, and the physical improvements to our chapter house provide
           When the brothers returned from summer break, everyone was  tangible items that we can all see everyday in the positive regard our
        exceptionally enthused as to how the outside of our house looks.  The  chapter has held for quite some time and will continue to hold for the
        house has a central location on campus, and with the new paint every  foreseeable future.

                                             Chapter Officers Fall '11

                             Consul: Jimmy Martin                             Quester: Chris Adams
                            Pro Consul: Tim Veldman                       Risk Manager: Tommy Munger
                           Magister: Mark Daugherty             Scholarship Chairs: Matt Geisler & Johnny Oliveri

                         House Manager: Josh Sergeant                 Social Chairs: Brad Stock & Sean Coyle

                                  President’s Report - November, 2011

                                                       By Eric W. Rahn  ’75
                          fter   an  year when they have not had a  initiating  new  brothers  has  We continue to seek interested
                      Aexcellent  an opportunity to serve in other  resulted  in  the  house  being  at  alumni  to  serve  on  Kappa
                      2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1  offices and grow in wisdom and  full  capacity  for  the  first  time  Kappa’s board.  If any of you are
                      school   year,  experience.  One of the primary  in  a  number  of  years.    The  interested, we would welcome
                      it  appears  the  goals of the Kappa Kappa Corp  fall  semester  started  with  69  your  participation.    Active
                      undergraduate  Board is to advise and provide  brothers  living  in  the  house.   participation  and  mentoring
                      chapter   is  guidance  to  the  undergrads  to  Not  only  does  this  make  for  from  the  Kappa  Kappa  Board
        off to a very good start for the  achieve success.     great  brotherhood,  but  also  are the best ways to assist the
        2010-2011  year.    Despite  the   As   board   members,  provides  for  much  stronger  undergrads  in  their  quest  for
        past  success,  each  year  starts  we  have  encouraged  the  undergraduate finances.  continuity and sustainability!
        anew  with  challenges  for  undergrads to focus heavily on   Our  alumni  support  has   Kappa Kappa has a rich and
        the  undergraduates  and  their  scholarship,  rushing  and  their  been incredible!  We closed out  wonderful tradition of success –
        leaders.    This  may  sound  like  pledge  program.    The  spring  last year with Annual Giving in  both at the undergraduate level
        a  broken  record,  but  one  of  semester  grades  fell  slightly  excess of $29,000 and are off to  and with our alumni.  We have
        the  biggest  challenges  facing  from  last  fall,  and  we  have  a great start this fiscal year.  We  been  blessed  with  dedicated
        the  chapter  is  continuity  and  challenged  the  undergrads  to  are most grateful to all of our  volunteers and generous alums.
        sustainability.    For  the  most  renew their scholarship efforts  alums fro their support.  I  am  confident  the  chapter
        part, undergrads now only live  now.  From  a  pledging  stand   We elected a new Board of  will  honor  this  tradition  with
        in  the  house  their  sophomore  point,  they  had  another  very  Directors at our Annual Meeting  continued   dedication   and
        and  junior  years.    This  means  successful rush.  The challenge  of  Members  at  Homecoming  success!
        the primary officers for the fall  is to mold these young men into  on October 1.  I am pleased to
        semester  are  being  elected  in  fine Sigma Chi’s.   announce  we  continue  to  add
        the  spring  of  their  sophomore   The  success  in  rush    and  a  number  of  younger  alums.
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