Page 2 - Beta Sigma TKE - Winter 2018-19
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the row were no match for the love of this house
                                                                                       that every brother shares.
                                                   From the                            Even with the trouble we faced this semester,
                                                                                       TKE remains the largest fraternity on the row
                                        Prytanis                                       with the largest new member class. The various
                                                                                       obstacles put forth by the university have sparked
                                                                                       excitement in this house to make the most of this
                                                                                       semester, and we did exactly that. What makes
               t’s no secret that TKE Beta-Sigma has faced   react by crumbling internally, turning their house   TKE more than just a property is the deep-rooted
         Chapter News
               adversity this year.  With the university   into nothing more than an apartment building.   brotherhood that courses through the house. It’s
             Itightening its grip on the Greek row and the   But this is not how TKE handles adversity.  the love for the international TKE mission. It’s
             actions of the houses, TKE found itself caught in   For us, the sanctions from the school and   the determination to remain a breeding ground
             an area of turmoil and confusion, which resulted   the decreased rush strengthened the house   for future leaders and entrepreneurs.
             in a temporary probation of social activities.   in unforeseen ways. Instead of sulking from
             Additionally, the university changed its policies   not having social events, we thrived with   Yours in the Bond,
             regarding rush, stating that all freshman cannot   brotherhood events. Instead of deferring our
             rush until the spring semester. For a lot of houses,   recruitment efforts to next semester, we fought
             the “one-two-punch” of these policy changes   hard for the best new members during rush (and
             has had an effect on morale. With limited social   succeeded).  The efforts by the university to
             events and a limited pledge class, many houses   squelch our operations as the strongest house on   Mark Reid # 1,652
             Philanthropy                                                             Brotherhood

             by Ryan Gautereaux #1,698
                                                                                        by Harry Derecat #1,647 and
                  here is always time for community
                  service.  Within the University of                                    Joey Giralmo #1,711
             T Southern California, not only are students                                    his semester, our brotherhood
             academically inclined to do well, but are also                                  program is fully invested in uniting
             community oriented in making a difference. I                               Tthe members of our house. A large
             am lucky to be a part of a group of individuals                            part of this initiative consists of activities
             who want to reach out further than the classroom                           planned to integrate young members
             to gain a new  perspective on  helping others.                             with older members of the house.  We do
             For example, several weeks ago, 20 guys and    Feeding the Homeless        weekly sports tournaments in the backyard
             I helped out Heal the Bay to clean the Medea   feeding the homeless, helping with pet adoptions,   (basketball,   whiffle   ball,   volleyball).
             Creek in Agoura Hills, California.   and raising money for MS and ALS this year.   Additionally, we host out of the house
             We picked up trash on the side of the road and   We’ve even scheduled to have a pet adoption day   events, such as a recent beach clean-up.
             near  the  creek  bed  while  learning  about  the   at Petsmart on Pico Boulevard. The members of   Moving  forward,  we  have  planned  several
             different ecosystems of plants and animals in the   the house and I are excited to participate in these   events, including trips to professional sports
             Santa  Monica  mountains.  In  addition  to  doing   community outreach events and demonstrate our   games, camping trips, and other outdoor
             community clean ups, we are looking forward to   commitment to helping others.  activities.
                                                                                        We also have strong ties with our alumni group,
                                 Executive Officers                                     bringing members of the house to our  TKE
                                                                                        tent tailgates just outside the Rose Garden with
                                                                                        our alumni every home football game. We are
                                                                                        excited  for  the  rest  of  the  semester  and  will
                                                                                        continue to build ties amongst the brothers of
                                                                                        Tau Kappa Epsilon.

                                                                                        TKE   USC Parents  Club
                                                                                         All parents of active members are
                                                                                         invited to participate in and support
                                                                                              the TKE Parents’ Club.
                                                                                          Parents and alumni interested in
                                                                                         learning more about club activities
                  Top row (left to right): Paul Schumacher (Social), Jack Mendillo (Grammateus), Chandler Clayton
              (Crysophylos), Connor Hudson (Social), Max Jablonski (VP of Risk), Brooks Jarrell (Rush Chair), Mark Reid   can email
               (Prytanis), Matt Pisini (Social), Harry Derecat (Brotherhood), and Ryan Goldsher (Epiprytanis); bottom row   for more info.
   2 2           (left to right): Matt Gates (Hegemon), Ethan Podell (Social Chair), and Joey Giralamo (Brotherhood).
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