Page 3 - Beta Sigma TKE - Winter 2018-19
P. 3

Heard From the Bond

     Richard Haskell #136  volunteers with Meals on   Gary Bane #343 shared news that his wife, Sally A.   Galen Clifford #484  has
     Wheels in Laguna Woods, CA. Rich has resumed   Bane (USC ’62, Gamma Phi Beta), teacher, passed   been a long-time supporter of the
     tournament tennis after coming off his fourth joint   away in August 2016. We are so sorry for your loss,   alumni association, donating since 2005
     replacement. In his last three national tournaments,   Gary.  Our thoughts  and  prayers are  with  you and   or so, and wanted to say how great it is to hear
     he won two silver and one gold ball in men’s   your family.                   how  much  the  house  has grown. Thanks for  your
     doubles. This year, Rich is in the 85-plus age group   John Hamilton’s #348 grandson, Cadhan Hamilton   continued support, Galen!
     and life is good!                      Brown (6 feet 6 inches and 235 pounds), graduated
     Jack Allen’s #328 granddaughter had identical twin   from high school and received a scholarship to USD...  TKE is
     girls earlier this year, raising the great grandchild   USC screwed up! Best of luck to Cadhan, John!
     total to a whopping 13. What a clan…congratulations   Jerry Murphy #376 shared details on the medical   the fraternity
     Jack!                                  troubles he’s experienced over the last year. He      for life ...
     Roger “Ted” Duncan #340 reached out and wanted   woke up one morning in  August 2017 unable to
     to thank the association for the newsletter and for   stand or walk. He endured two spinal operations and
     keeping him up to date with the chapter and the   three  months  in  a  rehab  hospital. Amazingly,  this   . . . We continue to archive as much
     alumni group.  You are most welcome! Roger has   did not result in him breaking his streak of going to   of  our  chapter’s  history  as  possible.
     also been so kind as to share his memorabilia from   every home game since 1959. He was wheeled to the   Thanks to all of you who have sent
     his time as Song Chairman and publisher (with help   games last year by either his wife or his son. Thanks
     from several other TKEs) of the Acropolis, one of   to lots of physical training, his cane has been in the   in your memorabilia and helped us to
     the first, if not THE first, Greek publication. We look   trunk for months. If you haven’t seen him, Jerry’s   preserve  and  memorialize  the  Beta-
     forward to adding your treasured items to the TKE   back with us at the  TKE  Tent before the games.
     archives Roger!                        Welcome back, Jerry. You were missed!   Sigma TKE traditions and legacy.

    Social and Events

                        Ready for Invite Night                                         Road Trip

                                      Spring Surfing                                            Fall Weekender
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