Page 12 - Phil Mangos - Lifestyle, Horticulture & Rural Specialist
P. 12


                A selection of properties SOLD by Phil

                  Phil worked tirelessly, always listening to       Phil Mangos has represented us when              During the process of deciding to purchase
                our ideas, sharing his experience, offering us   selling ten secluded building sites in our       land on Motiti Island, Phil was invaluable in
                varied options and recommendations. He was       subdivision at the end of Minden Road,           providing me with all the necessary
                always considerate, loyal and professional in    Tauranga. Phil has been very communicative       information that I needed to make a sound
                every way. Thank you Phil for your tolerance     and professional selling all but two of the      purchase decision. I would rate Phil’s
                and perseverance. We would recommend Phil        unique sites with panoramic views of Te Puna     performance at 110%. He always put himself
                to anyone wishing to sell their property.        and the harbour. He has persisted with the       out to talk to me and provide me with a full
                Cameron and Carol Henwood (Vendor)               frustration of Council delays and ensured that   understanding of the property.
                1911A SH29, Lower Kaimai                         all buyers have a similar outlook towards        Ross Green (Buyer)
                                                                 house quality and privacy. At all times he has   Motiti Island
                  We would like to take this opportunity to      put a successful outcome for us ahead of his
                thank you for your outstanding efforts in        personal interest. We would not hesitate to         I am extremely happy that I chose Phil to
                successfully marketing and selling our           recommend Phil to any vendor looking for         market my property. He was professional at
                property. We were very happy with the help,      representation in his area of activity.          all times, he understood my circumstances
                advice and expertise you were able to provide    Wayne and Chloe Wright (Vendor)                  and remained confidential throughout the
                with regard to the type of marketing, and the    690 Minden Road, Te Puna                         whole marketing campaign. Phil was always
                steps involved in taking our property to                                                          honest about feedback that he had received
                auction. And also with the contribution of the      Phil’s passion and enthusiasm for his work    and kept me informed every step of the way.
                Bayleys team in the auction room on the day.     clearly comes through with the caring            At no stage did I feel pressured to make any
                We felt comfortable that we were able to         energy he gave to us as if we were the only      decisions and all aspects of the sale process
                contact you at any time and your                 people he was dealing with. Amazing!             were explained to me fully until the final day
                communication and reporting of progress          Maurice and Robyn Pain (Vendor)                  when my house sold at Auction.
                through the campaign kept us informed.           Work Road, Aongatete                             Anna MacKinnon (Vendor)
                Pete and Sue O’Brien (Vendor)                                                                     81 Keenan Road, Pyes Pa
                26 Warner Road, Oropi
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