Page 7 - Phil Mangos - Lifestyle, Horticulture & Rural Specialist
P. 7
Opportunity abounds at every level
The Kaimai Range divides the Waikato Ex-pats are coming home; big-city folk are
and Western Bay of Plenty. This backbone seeking tranquillity; immigrants crave a place
forms a sub tropical hinterland flowing of peace. Locals also yearn to push their own
beyond to Tauranga’s inner harbour. This boundary and dream of a life in the country.
fertile belt embraces farming, horticulture
and lifestyle. Nothing else matches it – People are searching. It just needs the voice
picturesque inlets and peninsulas merge of experience to bring them to your door.
like patchwork with the bush and stunning Ask the questions and you will receive
views from the Kaimai Range. straight answers.
This magnet’s intensity is increasing – the
discovery is ongoing. The lure of the land
draws more people to this special part of the PHIL MANGOS - honest
world. Opportunity abounds at every level. call 027 496 5995