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          Dakila Research studies star anomalies

          in Iceland and South Africa

                  esearchers from Dakila Research were in      dquarters in the municipality of Corguinho (MS) and
               RSouth Africa to give continuity to scientific   nuclei in São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Porto
          studies on the trajectory, distance and size of the   Alegre (RS), Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasilia (DF), Vitória
          Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars. “We did    (ES), Natal (RN), Fortaleza (CE), Foz do Iguaçu (PR)
          more detailed research on anomalies not explained    and Salvador (BA). It is present abroad in Paraguay,
          by science, and the results will be presented in our   Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Spain, France, Germany, Ja-
          second documentary, sequencing the research alre-    pan and the United States.
          ady shown in the documentary Convex Earth, laun-
          ched in March 2018”, explains Urandir Fernandes de         The documentary Convex Earth
          Oliveira, president of Dakila Research.                    In March 2018, Dakila Research launched worl-
               The investigations in South Africa were carried   dwide in 13 languages, the feature film “Convex Earth:
          out near the cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria, when   The Documentary”. The cinematographic production
          the researchers were at the South African Radio As-  reveals scientific experiments carried out over seven
          tronomy Observatory (SARAO). “We spoke with astro-   years that prove that the Earth is not spherical but flat
          nomer Marion West, who gave us a lot of information   in the waters and convex in the continents. The docu-
          about the research and alliances of this astronomical   mentary has already been watched by more than 80
          center, which even provides support to the SKA, a gi-  million people.
          gantic undertaking that will be the largest radio teles-   In order to provide foundation to the docu-
          cope in the world”. In addition, we have made several   mentary, several scientific experiments were carried
          measurements using our own equipment, some desig-    out in various points in the world, accompanied by
          ned and developed in our research center and already   governmental institutions and professionals from va-
          in use in our astronomical observatory at the Zigurats   rious areas of Brazil and other countries, such as as-
          Technology Center,” states Urandir.                  tronomers, cartographers, geologists, topographers
               To study the stars, the team is mapping the     and civil engineers.
          entire Earth and marking its main quadrants. They          The main experiments carried out were: the geo-
          started in Iceland, where they conducted studies in   desic, which consists of measuring two buildings at a
          the cities of Akureyri and Reykjavik, where they were   great distance, taking sea level as a reference; the laser
          able to accompany and study the Aurora Borealis      beam experiment to verify the flatness of the waters; the
          phenomenon. The research continues in other conti-   water leveling experiment; the optical distortions expe-
          nents and the next destinations will be Latin America   riment related to reflection processes; the experiment
          and Oceania.                                         of ship visualization on the horizon line; the gravity and
               “We are taking advantage of the abundant tech-  celestial bodies experiments. All scientific experiments
          nological resources we have today that provide us with   were carried out using state-of-the-art equipment, in-
          speed, efficiency, precision and  are  very accessible.   cluding equipment designed and developed by Dakila
          Unlike the scientists of the past who did not have these   Research’s’ own team.
          tools, today we have access to an abundant technolo-       In recognition of the importance of all scientific
          gical arsenal that facilitates any type of investigation”,   research, the researchers and scientists of Dakila Rese-
          clarifies the researcher Alessandro Oliveira.        arch were awarded by the Brazilian Association of In-
               Furthermore, in South Africa, the team visited   ternational Peace Forces (ABFIP), at the São Paulo City
          Maropeng, which is an archaeological site considered   Council (SP) in June 2018. The president of the Dakila
          the Cradle of Humanity, to give continuity, parallel to   Research Association, Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira
          the research on “The Origin of Humanity”, the subject   was decorated by the state deputies of the Legislative
          of another documentary that will be launched after   Assembly of Campo Grande (MS) in October 2018, by
          the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. Vanessa Oliveira,   the municipalities of Rochedo (MS) in November 2018
          Tatiana Pereira, Fernanda Lima and Alex Oliveira are   and Corguinho (MS) in December 2018.
          also part of the team of researchers that traveled to the   The complete documentary, the methodology
          African country.                                     and the technologies employed are available on the
               Founded in 1997, Dakila Research has its hea-   website
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