P. 41


          Have you heard of

          social currency?

                        ould our official currency, the Brazi-  in 2001. The goal was to generate micro credit since
                        lian real, be the only one that circu-  almost the entire population had income below two
               Wlates in Brazil? If you think so, you’re       minimum  wages.  260 Establishments  receive the
          wrong. In Brazil today, around 117 social currencies   Palma and those who use it have a 5% discount as
          are circulating. But what does this mean? They are   incentive.
          local, alternative currencies, also called social cur-     Cajueiro, Dendê, Bem, Gostoso, Sabiá, Sol,
          rencies. They circulate in small communities and aim   Tupi, Sururu and Zumbi are some of the 117 alterna-
          to warm up the local economy. They complement        tive currencies that circulate today throughout Brazil
          the official currency but do not replace it.         and the Central Bank of Brasil allows the circulation
               One of the earliest experiences with alternati-  of social currencies issued by community banks, as
          ve currency was in Germany in 1930. The owner of     long as their circulation is local. Functioning as bo-
          a coal mine paid his employees with a bonus called   nuses, exchange currency or money backed by the
          Wära. Due to the lack of official currency traders be-  Brazilian real, the social currency can be a more hu-
          gan to accept Wära and a year later, 2000 merchants   mane and creative way out to deal with money.
          used the bonus. Then the German Central Bank in-           The current financial system has created me-
          terdicted the system.                                chanisms that made us increasingly dependent. Un-
               The same thing happened in Austria. Two ye-     complicated loans, credit cards and bank overdrafts
          ars after being implemented, after promoting the     tempt us with facilities that turn into exorbitant inte-
          economic development and when the alternative        rest and fees. Often these debts give us the feeling of
          system was becoming a reference, the Austrian Cen-   being enslaved by a system that only benefits itself.
          tral Bank halted its circulation.                          On the other hand, the social currency encou-
               Experiments with alternative currencies spre-   rages autonomy, mutual help and creates a joint
          ad across Europe and across the Atlantic inspiring   sense of prosperity in the community. Perhaps these
          many North American communities to create their      currencies are an answer to the level of a new society
          own currencies. However, this differentiated eco-    which, as at the time of the war in which they arose, a
          nomy clashed with President Roosevelt’s policies     society so exploited and exhausted, that seeks a way
          and was abandoned.                                   out of this inhuman financial system to which it has
               The  first  known  social  currency  created  in   been subjected.
          Brazil was the Palma, linked to the Palmas do Ceará
          bank. The bank was created in 1998 and the Palma           Lígia Rigo

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